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York T101 Treadmill Review

York T101 Treadmill Review

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The York T101 treadmill is a very popular running machine in the UK. There are a few reasons for this. One is that this machine is often available from major high-street stores in the UK at a considerable discount. The other is that the T101 is at the budget end of York range who are a well respected world-wide manufacturer of fitness equipment, so will be an obvious choice for the budget conscience looking to purchase their first running machine.

So what features does the York T101 have? Firstly the motor doesn’t have too much grunt. it is only rated at 1.25 HP with a peak of 2.5 HP when required. This is quite low for a running machine and goes to explain why the top speed of the machine is only 13 KPH, so really this machine is only suitable for walking or light running. Experienced runners will find the top speed limiting. The recommended top weight for a user of this machine is 120 KG, which is another limitation of the smallish motor.

The running deck is a reasonably sized 120cm x 40cm and although a larger person might find using a running deck this size tricky, generally for fast walking speed this is a perfectly good size. One of the main issues that people have when exercising is attempting to keep themselves motivated. The York T101 has nine programs built into it’s computer to help vary your exercise routine. These programs generally increase/decrease the speed of the machine so that you can safely move from a slow walk to a jog. A heart sensor is also built in to the handlebar so you can monitor how well you are working your heart. The T101 has a bottle holder, which seems such a small thing and is unbelievably missing from some machines.

So, in summary the York T101 is a reasonably spec’d running machine for the beginner, but I would suggest that if you shop around you’ll be able to get a better spec’d treadmill, with more features and a better warranty for a few extra pounds. So I’d suggest having a look at the budget end of the ProForm range. Although they may cost a little extra, the ProForm 3.6 for example has more advanced features such as a power incline and a larger motor for getting to a higher top speed when you become more experienced.

John is the author at Treadmill Reviews. To read more about York Treadmills, or the York T101 Treadmill, then visit the site.

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York T101 Treadmill Review

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