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We Are Hiring Spanish Teachers

We Are Hiring Spanish Teachers

Lea sobre We Are Hiring Spanish Teachers, respecto a Institutos Educativos

INSTITUTOS EDUCATIVOS, Cita textual de We Are Hiring Spanish Teachers enfocada en nuestra sección de institutos educativos para apreciación de nuestros allegados.

This summer, Instituto Hemingway is in charge of the educational program for Italian teenagers organized by the Italian government. During the months of July and August more than 500 Italian boys and girls will learn Spanish at the university campus of Alcalá de Henares.

Instituto Hemingway wishes to hire many teachers who will be in charge of the Spanish classes, the activities, and the cultural visits to Toledo, Ávila, Madrid, and Segovia.

The classes will take place in Alcalá de Henares (University Campus) from the 4th of July to August 29th of 2008, in the morning, from Monday through Friday, and every other Saturday level exams will be given. In total, it will be 17.5 hours of classes weekly in the morning. The teachers should accompany the students to some of the excursions and activities in the afternoon: one or two a week approximately.

In concrete, we wish to hire:
2 resident teachers: these teachers will live in the campus and will be provided of a double room accommodation, and in addition to the classes, they will also help the director of studies in the preparation of the educational activities, will be present at the majority of the excursions, and will collaborate with the animators in the afternoon activities.
8 non-resident teachers: theses teachers will be in charge of the teaching. They can eat at the campus.

Candidates’ requisites:
– Have specific formation in Spanish as a foreign language (ELE). Will be specially considered those candidates who have completed the Teachers Course ELE organized by Instituto Hemingway in any of its editions and whether the course was taken on-line or in site.

– Flexibility, capacity to work in a team, motivation, and enthusiasm.
– Remit a copy of an up-to-dated resume and cover letter by e-mail.

The candidates who fit into the conditions stated above will be personally informed about the paying details.

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