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Virtual office services | Virtual office space New York City – yourwallstreetoffice

Virtual office services | Virtual office space New York City – yourwallstreetoffice

Tema Virtual Office Services | Virtual Office Space New York City – Yourwallstreetoffice

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The country’s current economic situation may look bleak, but in fact it has opened up a world of new prospects for many people with an entrepreneurial spirit. Many of those who have found themselves out of work the past few years have used their predicament as an opportunity to set out on their own and build their own business.

Starting your own business — be it a law practice, accounting office or management consulting company — can be a thrilling and arduous process, and for many people these days, the only way to create work. But projecting a proper businesslike appearance can be hard when you’re working out of an apartment or home.

Let’s face it, those of us just starting out don’t have the financial wherewithal to set up and maintain our own offices. And those of us who do, probably leveraged ourselves to the hilt to get there. Yet our business associates and some clients expect us to have a fully outfitted business location no matter how young our business is. But there’s no reason to take out a second mortgage on the house or sell the family heirlooms when you can use YourWallStreetOffice’s virtual office solutions.

You might be wondering: why do I need another address and a place to meet? Let’s say you’re an accountant in Forest Hills, N.Y., about 20 minutes from downtown Manhattan, and you’re trying to attract new customers from the any other location. Having NYC meeting rooms at the ready is a big step toward showing your potential client that you’re a serious and committed professional who can exceed their needs.

YWSO gives you that prime professional office space at 110 Wall Street, right in the heart of the financial district, conveniently located close to transportation and other amenities.

Suitable virtual office space in a landmark building — not to mention an address — on one of the world’s most famous streets tells your clients you are ready to do business. That added cachet will be sure to influence potential clients.

A YWSO virtual office also offers you a fully staffed location with all the services a business requires, from mail and parcel receiving services exclusive personalized phone number answered in your company’s name to guest reception and conference rooms. You can also rent furnished offices by the hour, day or month and give your business the look and feel of being successful and established.  

Our ever-present administrative support professionals are ready to attend to your needs. Virtual office assistants give your business all the advantages and infrastructure of a large office without the expensive overhead.

Insurance Agent with more than 20 years of experience in insurance and financial industry working for SCS Insurance Inc. in NY

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Virtual office services | Virtual office space New York City – yourwallstreetoffice

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