stifling. Unselfishness is one of the cardinal rules for being an effective manager. Ultimately, an effective manager will know what techniques and approaches work best—and those you hope to lead will tell you exactly that. Much of your ability to get people to do what they have to do is going to depend on what they perceive when they look at you and listen to you. They need to see someone who is stronger than they are, but human, too.
Kenday Samuel Kamara, Ph.D.: A scholar in international development and back-office administration with cumulative years of experience in development sector management and peace research with advanced degrees in organizational management and decision sciences. Had consulted extensively in West Africa, Europe and the United States. Career highlights include: administrator expert for microfinance development in West Africa; strategy and policy advice at institutional and civil society level; capacity building (training workshops, seminars); educator with Walden University, the Graduate School of World Problems as well as the Pan African University; peer review experience (with Global Integrity) on integrity and corruption perception indicator scorecards; impact analyses on environment, social, economic and energy issues; strong knowledge of European Commission technical assistance procedures, planning and implementation; an accredited international development consultant with the CANADEM Civilian Roster of Consultants and the Intota Network of International Development Experts; and a Salzburg Fellow (as scholar of the Kellog Foundation). Have authored and co-authored a number of books as well as a number of published essays on various management and development issues.
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