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Traducción, por favor?

Traducción, por favor?

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EDUCACIóN IT, Información objetiva Traducción, por favor? enfocada en la sección de educación it para apreciación de nuestros amigos.

educación it
by [ABX]

Question by kmla_io: Traducción, por favor?
Me podeis traducir esto por favor al ingles?

La calle peatonal es uno de los sitios más desagradables que conozco. Porque la gente cree que toda la calle es suya, no te deja pasar cuando tu vas detrás, aunque tú le digas “permiso”, o “me puede dejar pasar, por favor”. Ni siquiera hacen el esfuerzo de moverse un poco, y eso lo hace mucho la gente mayor. Pero cuando son ellos los que están detrás y quieren pasar y uno no les deja, se quejan que la juventud es una mala educada. ¿Acaso ellos no fueron jóvenes y tenían educación con la gente? Por eso a mi la calle peatonal no me gusta, porque falta un respeto entre la gente.

Gracias por todo!!!

Best answer:

Answer by julian
!!!!eso es un insulto!!

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Traducción, por favor?

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educaya.org no posee ninguna afiliación con traducción, por favor? ni las empresas, personas o instituciones que redactan las sobre o relacionados con educación it. Si prefiere visitar el portal original de traducción, por favor? por favor revise los links indicados escritos arriba en el artículo a Educación it.

15 Comentarios

  1. Aqui te lo dejo!!
    Ojala y te sirva
    Un Saludo

    The peatonal street is one of the sites more disagreeable than I know. Because people think that all the street is hers, it does not let to you pass when your you go behind, although you say «permission to him», or «she can let to me pass, please». Not even a little, and that deliver the attack to move long ago greater people. But when those are they that are behind and want to happen and one does not leave them, complain that youth is a bad one educated. Perhaps they were not young and had education with people? For that reason to my the peatonal street I do not like, because she lacks a respect between people.

    Espero y me remuneres con unos puntitos jeje

  2. elchapitoyladianitaz

    10 puntos 😉

    The pedestrian street is one of the most unpleasant that I know. Because people feel that the whole street is yours, you will not be missed when you go back, but you tell him «permission», or «I can let go, please.» They do not even make the effort to move a bit, and that makes people much more. But when it is they who are behind and you do not want to move and leaves them, they complain that youth is a bad educated. Did not they were younger and were educated people? So my pedestrian street I do not like because it requires a respect among people.

  3. The pedestrian street is one of the most unpleasant that I know. Because people feel that the whole street is yours, you will not be missed when you go back, but you tell him «permission», or «I can let go, please.» They do not even make the effort to move a bit, and that makes people much more. But when it is they who are behind and you do not want to move and leaves them, they complain that youth is a bad educated. Did not they were younger and were educated people? So my pedestrian street I do not like because it requires a respect among people.

  4. ……..

  5. te aconsejo que te metas en el yahoo de ingles y pide x alli que te lo traduzcan al ingles!!que mejor que un nativo que hable el ingles??

  6. puedes ir a google y a la derecha de donde esta puesto el nombre dice herramientas del idioma, dale click, pega el texto y pon: de español a ingle y ahi te aparece.
    espero q te sirva en proximas ocaciones y ahi te va el texo:

    The pedestrian street is one of the most unpleasant that I know. Because people feel that the whole street is yours, you will not be missed when you go back, but you tell him «permission», or «I can let go, please.» They do not even make the effort to move a bit, and that makes people much more. But when it is they who are behind and you do not want to move and leaves them, they complain that youth is a bad educated. Did not they were younger and were educated people? So my pedestrian street I do not like because it requires a respect among people.

  7. The pedestrian street is one of the most disagreeable sites(places) that I know. Because the people believe that the whole street is his(yours), it(he,she) does not leave you to happen(pass) when your you go behind, though you say «permission» to him(her), or » it(he,she) can stop happen to me, please «. They do not even do the effort to move a bit, and the major people make it great. But when they are they those who are behind and want to happen(pass) and one does not leave them, they complain that the youth is the bad(wrong) polite one. Perhaps they were not young and they had education with the people? Because of it to my pedestrian street I do not like, because a respect is absent between(among) the people

  8. The peatonal street is one of the most unpleasant places I know. Because people think that the entire street is theirs, they don’t let you pass when you go behind, even when you say «excuse me», or «may I pass, please». They don’t even try to make an effort to move a litle bit, and many older people do that. But when it’s them who are behind and want to pass and you don’t let them do it, they complain saying that youth (or young people are..) is impolite. Weren’t they young and polite with older people? For that reason, I don’t like the peatonal street, because it lacks respect between people.

  9. The pedestrian street is one of the most unpleasant places I know. Because people think the street is theirs, they don’t let you pass when you’re behind them, even though you ask for permission, or tell them «may I pass, please?». They don’t even try to move aside a little, and most of the older people do that. But when is them who are behind you and want to pass and you don’t let them do so, they say that younger people are the rude ones. Weren’t they young and nice to older people? That’s why I don’t like pedrestian street, because people is rude to you.


  10. The pedestrian street is one of the most unpleasant that I know. Because people feel that the whole street is yours, you will not be missed when you go back, but you tell him «permission», or «I can let go, please.» They do not even make the effort to move a bit, and that makes people much more. But when it is they who are behind and you do not want to move and leaves them, they complain that youth is a bad educated. Did not they were younger and were educated people? So my pedestrian street I do not like because it requires a respect among people

  11. Te pedestrian street is one of the more unpleasant places that i know of, because people believe they own the streets. They don’t let you get through when you are behind , even when you say «excuse me» can you let me get through please? Thay don’t even make an effort to move a little bit.
    Seniors do that a lot, but when they are the ones behind, and they want to get through, and no one let them , they complain young people have no manners.
    Did they have manners when they were younger?
    Because of that , i don’t like pedestrian streets, it’s such a disrespect to the people.

  12. The pedestrian street or walkway is one of the areas most disagreable that I know. Because the people believe that all the street is theirs, they don’t let you pass when you are behind them, even though you say, with permisson, or may I pass, please. They do not even make the effort to move a little, and the older people do this a lot. But when it is they that are behind and want to pass and we don;t let them, the complain that the youth have bad manners. Weren’ they young once and were taught proper manners? Because of this, I don’t like the pedestrial walkway, because there is a lack of respect for people.

    Asi sea….

  13. The pedestrian street is one of the most disagreeable sites(places) that I know. Because the people believe that the whole street is his(yours), it(he,she) does not leave you to happen(pass) when your you go behind, though you say «permission» to him(her), or » it(he,she) can stop happen to me, please «. They do not even do the effort to move a bit, and the major people make it great. But when they are they those who are behind and want to happen(pass) and one does not leave them, they complain that the youth is the bad(wrong) polite one. Perhaps they were not young and they had education with the people? Because of it to my pedestrian street I do not like, because a respect is absent between(among) the people.

    Entre parentesis van palabras que tambien se pueden poner..

    Espero haberte ayudado.


  14. The peatonal street is one of the most disagreeable places I know, because people think that the street owns themselves, so they don’t let you pass when you go behind them, even when you say ‘excuse me’ or ‘can I pass, please?’
    they don’t even deliver the effort to move a bit, and that is done a lot by older people. but when they are the ones that are behind, they want to pass and you don’t let them pass, they complain about they youth and their bad habits.
    In fact, weren’t they young once and had education with people? That’s why I don’t like the peatonal street, because there’s no respect between people.

    la traducción la realice en base a lo que escribiste vos, de manera informal. las otras traducciones que pusieron, son las del traductor babel fish de yahoo que no corresponden debido a que dicho traductor no reconoce las ‘expresiones’ típicas del lenguaje informal que utilizaste. espero que te haya servido!

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