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Archivo de Etiquetas: virtual

educacion virtual?

by ucooperativadecolombia Question by germsn Q Hitman: educacion virtual? no se que tan provechoso estudiar virtualmente….. no se si sios esalga muy preparado…me parece algo no muy bueno. ¡¿alguien sabe como funciona en realidad desto? Best answer: Answer by El Extranjeroautoestudio, solo te guian, aprender queda en ti Know better? …

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Virtual Card Making

by Fundación Karisma Colombia Technology is not meant to destroy the card making industry. Although it is now offering us with quite a number of easier and more convenient means to send our message across,  the card making industry does not consider technology as a foe. Instead it is a …

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Virtual Space, Real Money

YouTube Videos Pull In Real Money Christopher Capozziello for The New York Times     Michael Buckley, YouTube host, at home in Connecticut.   By BRIAN STELTER   Published: December 10, 2008   Making videos for YouTube — for three years a pastime for millions of Web surfers — is …

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