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Sunset World Puts Together a Workshop on Mangrove Conservation

Sunset World Puts Together a Workshop on Mangrove Conservation

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UNIVERSIDADES, Información objetiva Sunset World Puts Together a Workshop on Mangrove Conservation analizada en nuestra sección de universidades para lectura de nuestros visitantes.

Cancun, Mexico (PRWEB) March 06, 2013

Thirty-six percent of Mexican mangroves have been changed or replaced, and the Yucatans Peninsula, home of 55% of them, also presents great damage on these costal ecosystems, caused by non-organized tourism, over-exploitation of species and human settlements.

On the workshop titled Introduction to the Management and Conservation of Mangroves organized by the tourist group Sunset World Resorts & Vacation Experiences to commemorate World Wetlands Day, the Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat) in Mexico, added that the state of Quintana Roo have the second place on mangrove territory with 16%, only behind Campeche.

This course, given jointly with another Mexican agency, the National Commission of Protected Natural Areas (Conanp), was directed to students of the Environmental Engineering, Sustainable Tourism and Hotel Management degrees of Universidad del Caribe. One of the main points of the workshop was that mangroves are endangered not only in Mexico, but internationally by other factors like water pollution, coastal erosion, natural disasters and climate change.

50% of the worlds wetlands have been changed, and a great part of the other 50% is deteriorated. Specifically in Mexico, around 64% of mangroves are still untouched, but we have changed or replaced 36% of them, pointed out the biologist Teresa Jimenez, head of the Environmental Education department of Semarnat.

The tourist group, through it 2 branches, Hacienda Tres R

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