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Sunday outing

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Sunday outing
educación it
Image by Julien Harneis
Ubundu is a port on the Congo river about a 100km up a muddy road from Kisangani. The road was rehabilitated a year ago but already has holes bigger than the landcruiser we were in. The road cuts through the forest, the driver told us of mass graves of Hutu’s killed by the Rwandan Army during the civil war.
Alongside the road is an old railway track; it is still working but is now only used to move beer past the rapids on the Congo. At Ubundu the beer is stocked by the catholic church and transshipped on to a boat owned by Tango Fort the nom de guerre of an ex rebel leader and now head of the army.
We were there to follow up on our village water and sanitation projects and education work.

Tango Fort’s new boat
educación it
Image by Julien Harneis
Ubundu is a port on the Congo river about a 100km up a muddy road from Kisangani. The road was rehabilitated a year ago but already has holes bigger than the landcruiser we were in. The road cuts through the forest, the driver told us of mass graves of Hutu’s killed by the Rwandan Army during the civil war.
Alongside the road is an old railway track; it is still working but is now only used to move beer past the rapids on the Congo. At Ubundu the beer is stocked by the catholic church and transshipped on to a boat owned by Tango Fort the nom de guerre of an ex rebel leader and now head of the army.
We were there to follow up on our village water and sanitation projects and education work.

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