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Snell Tapped to Drive Execution Management and Strategic Planning Software Sales for AchieveIt

Snell Tapped to Drive Execution Management and Strategic Planning Software Sales for AchieveIt

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ATLANTA, GA (PRWEB) August 13, 2012

AchieveIt announced today that John Snell has been tapped to accelerate the growth of this execution management and strategic planning software company. As an account executive, he will be responsible for inside sales in the healthcare and commercial markets.

Snell holds a Bachelor in Arts in English and Spanish from Sewanee – The University of the South. He also studied at Universidad Complutense de Madrid in Spain, before serving as an analyst and business sales representative at ServiceSource, a global leader in service revenue management delivered via the cloud.

«John has an easy-going personality and an intense competitive nature that make him a natural for sales,» said Scott Regan, founder and chief execution officer of AchieveIt. «As we continue our growth and expand into new vertical and geographic markets, John will have a major impact on our success.

In June, AchieveIt released Version 4.0 of its cloud-based software and began a reorganization of the company, as it positioned itself to move into vertical markets outside of healthcare, where the firm got its start. With Version 4.0, AchieveIt unveiled three new applications: ExecuteIt, AnalyzeIt, and ImproveIt. These applications help accelerate performance in strategic planning, strategy development, execution management, and performance improvement.

About AchieveIt

Serving more than 110 clients in 35 states and Brazil, AchieveIt helps organizations transform vision and goals into tangible business results by executing smarter, faster, and better. Through its suite of cloud-based strategy development and execution management applications, AchieveIt accelerates transformation through enhanced accountability, transparency, and execution. The company provides an innovative set of online tools to develop, monitor, and implement strategic and operational plans, performance and quality improvement projects, and leadership and management programs. A national thought-leader on strategy development and execution management, AchieveIt offers free strategic planning webinars and white papers on its website at AchieveIt.com.

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