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Should You Outsource Website Design Work?

Should You Outsource Website Design Work?

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There are quite a few large websites now offering to connect people like you who need websites created with freelancers skilled in this type of work. These outsourcing sites are highly convenient because they give you access to a wide variety of freelance web designers who you would otherwise never know anything about. Some of them are also willing to work for ridiculously low prices because they are new to the outsourcing business and have an unproven reputation.

It’s true that you can hit the jackpot by finding those highly skilled, professional freelancers when they first join an outsourcing community and low ball bids to build up their reputation. The problem with this is you have to find a way to separate those really skilled freelancers from the many others who don’t know much about web design at all.

An unbelievable number of freelancers trying to secure work through outsource boards have just started out with web design or will simply rip off someone else’s work and deliver a less than authentic site for you. It is incredibly hard to judge the skill level, integrity, and pacing of a web designer when you only have their words and possibly a very small sample (which may or may not be their legitimate work).

Another issue is that when you do find that rare gem of a designer willing to work for much less than their work is worth, the deal won’t last long. If they just don’t know what work of their caliber is really worth they will soon find out and raise rates. If they are just trying to build their reputation as a freelancer they will quickly do that and then raise their rates.

All of this may sound okay if you are willing to pay for some shoddy work and possibly get ripped off here and there as you search for the freelancer who can actually design a great website for you. If that doesn’t sound very appealing, then trying to outsource this work through outsourcing boards is probably not the best option for you.

So, what do you do? This is when you turn away from outsourcing boards and work with web designers who have proven they have the skills to create custom websites catered to an individual client. In most cases you will still be working with freelancers, but you will come to them in a different way. You will require more of these freelancers so you know that you are getting more than you would get from those outsourcing boards.

Here is what you should look for in a web designer:

1. Reasonable prices. If the prices are too good to be true you can bet there is a reason for it.

2. Experience. A good web designer has been doing this for many years and knows what a good custom site looks like. They know how to put them together.

3. Reasonable turn around times. When using a freelancer from an outsourcing board you could spend a good bit of time waiting for the work, but a good independent web designer should give you a reasonable ETA and stick to it. If there are setbacks there should be good reason for them and you should know they are coming.

4. Proven samples and recommendations. A good web designer with lots of experience will give you samples of their work that show what they can do. They should also have at least a couple people who will speak up and vouch for their skills.

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Should You Outsource Website Design Work?

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