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Professor Particular De Ingles, Curso De Ingles

What Are The Most Common Factors That Influence The Acquisition of a Second Language?

In learning a second language, it isn’t always as easy as it sounds regardless of how good you are in picking up new foreign words and learning new skills. Sometimes, your progress will be affected by certain factors that could be beyond your control. Here are some of the most common factors that can influence how fast you learn a new language.

Your Teacher or Tutor

If you signed up for a course in a formal setting, then you have to adjust to your teacher. You might not come across a teacher who is willing to cater to your specific needs especially if it is in a group setting. If you want your own pace, your own style, and even your own approach, then you’re better off with a one-on-one tutor.

Your Environment

There will always be people around you who will intentionally or not, try to discourage you from learning – anything. These people just want things to stay the way it is, and not have to deal with changes. It may get even more difficult to learn this second language if the person bringing you down is someone close to you. It could lead to confusion, distraction, and slower learning.

Your Materials

There are good and bad learning materials and you have to be sure you get the effective materials. However, it isn’t always about the latest teaching tools to be introduced because each person will have his own personal preference. For instance, if you use material that is not computer generated, it might not interest you. Seeing that you are online and reading as much as you can indicates that you enjoy using the computer; or at the very least, you understand the benefits of surfing. Thus, choose material that will keep your interest high.


The all-timer factor that can kill the best intentions. Generally, there is nothing wrong with doing other things, aside from learning a second language. In fact, you should have a life outside of studying. However, there’s a time and a place for everything, so when it’s time to study that second language, focus on just that. Turn off the TV, iPod, radio, Facebook, Twitter, and any other entertainment devices you normally use. Keep friends at bay, and tell them to wait. If they’re really your friends, then they’ll give you space.


You can be your own worst enemy, if you let it happen. This can be seen in almost any endeavor – sports, education, talent, skill, or relationships. Often, we tend to put ourselves down to feel better. Now, if you do this, you stop yourself from being the best you can be. You may think – it’s only a second language, so nothing serious, right? Wrong. In anything you do or try to accomplish whether it’s climbing a mountain or biking to the next street, if you don’t do it right, you’ll never get there.

All these factors can be used to hamper your learning, but they can also be turned around and be beneficial to learning a new language successfully.

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