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Preguntas & Respuestas: ¿Ayuda con una Traducción al ingles?

Preguntas & Respuestas: ¿Ayuda con una Traducción al ingles?

Asunto Preguntas & Respuestas: ¿Ayuda Con Una Traducción Al Ingles?

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Question by air002: ¿Ayuda con una Traducción al ingles?
El idioma inglés es de suma importancia para la educación, los negocios, el comercio y distintas tareas a nivel mundial. Hoy en día manejar este idioma se ha convertido indispensable.
Existen diversos procesos químicos en el mundo descritos en este idioma, por eso lo ingenieros químicos deben manejarlo, entenderlo y estar en capacidad de leer textos en dicha área. La universidad Central de Venezuela cuenta con Ingles Instrumental para Ingenieros químicos para enseñar esas nociones necesarias.
En particular para este trabajo se realiza un análisis de un texto que nos explica el proceso Bayer (alúmina a partir de bauxita) resaltando los hechos históricos. Para esa tarea tomaremos en cuenta los criterios de textualidad y los elementos de cohesión.

Best answer:

Answer by Luis
The English language is very important for education, business, trade and various tasks around the world. Today handle this language has become indispensable.
There are various chemical processes in the world described in this language, so the chemical engineers need to manage it, understand it, and be able to read texts in this area. The Venezuela Central University has Instrumental English for chemical engineers to teach these necessary notions.
In particular for this work is an analysis of a text that explains the process Bayer (alumina from bauxite) highlighting the historical facts. For this task we will take into account textuality criteria and elements of cohesion.

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4 Comentarios

  1. The English language is very important for education, business, trade and other global tasks. Nowadays handle this language has become indispensable.
    There are various chemical processes in the world described in this language, so it should handle chemical engineers, understand and be able to read texts in that area. Central University of Venezuela has English Instrumental for chemical engineers to teach these concepts necessary.
    In particular for this work is an analysis of a text that explains the Bayer process (alumina from bauxite) highlighting historical facts. For this task we will take into account the criteria of textuality and cohesive elements.

  2. No seas rata y paga un traductor, o usa el de google

  3. en vez de pregunta esto parece una respuesta, tan facil que es copiar y pegar en el traductor de google

  4. The English language is very important for education, business, trade and other global tasks. Nowadays handle this language has become indispensable.
    There are various chemical processes in the world described in this language, so it should handle chemical engineers, understand and be able to read texts in that area. Central University of Venezuela has English Instrumental for chemical engineers to teach these concepts necessary.
    In particular for this work is an analysis of a text that explains the Bayer process (alumina from bauxite) highlighting historical facts. For this task we will take into account the criteria of textuality and cohesive elements.

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