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Para los que hablan perfectamente ingles, por favor??

Para los que hablan perfectamente ingles, por favor??

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EDUCACIóN IT, Información objetiva Para los que hablan perfectamente ingles, por favor?? enfocada en la sección de educación it para lectura de nuestros conocidos, amigos y visitantes.

educación it
by qvark

Question by Carmenchu (6): Para los que hablan perfectamente ingles, por favor??
Estoy arreglando mis papeles de maestra educadora y le estoy explicando a mi esposo esto (el es gringo y no habla nada de espa;ol): hace 20 a;os me gradue y en ese entonces no te pedian la preparatoria para ser maestra educadora pues se entendia que durate los 4 a;os de estudio para ser maestra iban materias que llevas en la prepa. Ahora la SEP (secretaria de educacion publica) pide la prepa para estudiar esa carrera y salen siendo Licenciadas en Educacion Preeescolar, cuando yo soy nada mas Maestra Educadora.
Les doy las gracias por ayudarme.

Saludos, Carmenchu*
Quiero que me ayuden a traducir eso en ingles, si hablo pero no perfectamente. Gracias.

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Answer by Janus
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Para los que hablan perfectamente ingles, por favor??

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11 Comentarios

  1. Mi querida Carmenchu no se si esto te pueda ayudar, pero por lo menos hize el intento, espero que Si… Saludos!!!

    It(He,She) does 20 to; you me gradue and in this then not you pedian the preparatory one to be an educational teacher so(then,since) entendia that you last the 4 to; you of study to be a teacher there were going matters that you take in the prepa. Now the SEP (secretary of education publishes) asks for the prepa to study this career and they go out being Licensed in Education Preeescolar, when I am at all mas Educational Teacher.

  2. ayudarte??
    no se en qe qeres qe te ayudemos!


    qe tieneqe ver el ingles aca?

  3. ya que eres maestra deberias aprender a ir al punto.. no se te entendio mas.. quieres una traduccion jurada??? o es la frase.. bueno me diste dos puntos.. jaja.

  4. A ver.. intento:
    I graduate 20 years ago and, at that moment, It wasn’t necessary high school to become a teacher because it was understood that during those 4 year of studies I would take all subjects from high school. Now, The Public education Secretary asks/ requires the whole high school in order to study that career and they get the grade of licenciature in Pre scholar (supongo) education, But (cuando no creo q vaya) I am just a simple teacher without grade.

    Its just a different system.

  5. toccata_and_fuge

    20 years ago, I graduated and at that time, they did not request the preparatory one to you to be masterful educator, because it was understood that during the 4 years of study to be masterful matters were included that you take in the preparatory one. Now the SEP (secretary of public education) requests the preparation to study that race and leave being licensed in primary Education, when I am nothing else that Masterful Educator.

    Algunas palabras están mal, pero son muy básicas, y creo que tu las podrás arreglar en función de como lo quieras expresar. Esto es una traducción literal, adaptala.

  6. Aquí esta la traducción Carmenchu:

    «I graduated 20 years ago and at that time the preparatory was not required because it was understood that the 4 years of study to become a Teacher in Education included the preparatory classes. Now, the SEP (Public Education Secretary) requires the preparatory to study that career to become Licensed in Pre-scholar Education, while I am only a Teacher in Education.»

  7. 20 years ago I graduated as a teacher, in that time the 3 last years of high school were not necessary, that´s because the assignments were in the academic programs. In the present time the DOE requires the last 3 years of High School and you graduate as a Kindergarden educator. I am just only A teacher.

  8. Twenty years ago, I graduated and at that time it wasn’t a requirement to have studied beyond high school to become an educating teacher, as it was understood that during the four years of high school you had classes that covered that material. Now, however, the SEP (en ingles seria, the Secretary of Public Education) is saying that people that went through high school or further education come out as Licensed in Prescholar Education. When, I am only an Educating teacher.

    Creo que eso es lo que tratas de explicar a tu esposo. Yo hablo ingles muy bien, pues vivo en Texas y he vivido por aca casi 8 anos. Si necesitas cualquier otra ayuda mandame un mesaje o correo a:

    [email protected]


  9. Ya te respondieron.
    Quién te manda casarte con un gringo?Ve enseñandole a hablar español.

  10. I graduated 20 years ago and at that time they didn’t require from you to have the Attitudinal Pedagogical Certificate(en el caso de referirte al CAP, un curso de aptitud pedagógica que necesitas si no has estudiado la carrera de magisterio en España para poder ser profesora)in order to be a school teacher because it was understood that along the four years of studying to be a teacher you just needed the subjects included. But now the SEP(public educational secretary) requires the attitudinal pedagogical certificate in order to study that career, as I am just a school teacher.

    Bueno intenté buscar lo que es la preparatoria para poder responderte. Hay una contradiccion en el texto: dices que ahira piden la preparatoria para estudiar la carrera de maestra, cuando antes no la pedian por estar incluida las asignaturas en la preparatoria. Esta parte no la entiendo bien. Espero haberte ayudado. Me dedico a traducir en mi trabajo. Ya me dices.

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