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Nice Universidades photos

Check out these universidades images:

Balões sobre a Universidade
Image by Daniel Kinpara
Os balonistas sobrevoando a Universidade. Os combustores acesos em dois. Nessse dia, doze deles sobrevoavam a cidade.

The hot air ballons were floating over the university. Two burners were lighted. In that day, twelve were floating over the town.

Universidade McGill / McGill University
Image by Marcio Cabral de Moura
O câmpus principal da Universidade McGill está localizado em Montreal, Canadá, ao pé do Monte Royal. Um câmpus secundário está localizado em Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, atualmente parte da cidade de Montreal, mas a tornar-se uma cidade independente em 2006.

A universidade foi estabelecida em 1826 e é administrada por órgãos públicos. É considerada uma das melhores universidades do mundo. Em 2007, a Universidade McGill apareceu em 12º lugar no ranking mundial da Times Higher Education Supplement, sendo que, em 1997, a McGill foi descrita pela mesma fonte como um dos dez melhores centros de educação superior do mundo.

Cerca de 30 mil estudantes estudam na Universidade McGill, 21 765 dos quais em tempo integral. A universidade possui a percentagem mais alta da América do Norte de estudantes provenientes de outras províncias do Canadá, americanos ou estrangeiros (provenientes de 150 países diferentes).

A universidade possui como idioma de ensino o inglês, mesmo estando numa cidade majoritariamente francófona. Seu lema é Grandescunt Aucta Labore (do latim: Pelo trabalho, todas as coisas crescem).

McGill University is a public research university located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The university bears the name of James McGill, a prominent Montreal merchant, from Scotland, whose bequest formed the beginning of the university. Founded in 1821, McGill is one of the oldest universities in Canada, chartered during the British colonial era, 46 years before the Canadian Confederation.

McGill’s main campus is set upon 32 hectares (80 acres) at the foot of Mount Royal in Downtown Montreal. A second campus, the Macdonald Campus, is situated on 6.5 square kilometres (1,600 acres) of fields and forested land in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, 30 kilometres west of the downtown campus. With 21 faculties and professional schools, McGill offers degrees and diplomas in over 300 fields of study, including medicine and law. Although the language of instruction is English, students have the right to submit any graded work in English or in French, except when learning a particular language is an objective of the course. Approximately 34,000 students attend McGill, with international students comprising one-fifth of the student population.

McGill consistently ranks as the top university in Canada by Macleans magazine, McGill is Canada’s top-ranked university among those offering medical and doctoral degrees, ranking first in Canada and Top 20 in the World for the sixth consecutive year in the Maclean’s 20th annual University Rankings issue, ranks 61st in the world in the Academic Ranking of World Universities, and 35th in the world in the Times Higher Education ranking. With around 200,000 living alumni worldwide, students and professors at McGill have been recognized in fields ranging from the arts and sciences, to business, politics, and sports. Notable alumni include nine Nobel Laureates, one hundred thirty-one Rhodes Scholars, three astronauts, two Canadian prime ministers, four justices of the Canadian Supreme Court, three foreign leaders, nine Academy Award winners, three Pulitzer Prize winners, and twenty-eight Olympic medalists.

Universidade de Coimbra
Image by leorolim
Vista da Universidade

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