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Necesito saber como se dice este parrafo en ingles?

Necesito saber como se dice este parrafo en ingles?

Entérese de Necesito Saber Como Se Dice Este Parrafo En Ingles?, en relación con Educación It

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Question by Dachy: Necesito saber como se dice este parrafo en ingles?
«Los tiempos han cambiado la educación no es igual que antes, ahora todos pueden estudiar muchas temas científicos, tecnológicos, artísticos etc., pero todavía influye la parte económica pues la educación en algunos lugares no es gratuita.

La educación a avanzado, maneja el conocimiento de forma integral, hay mas oportunidades de estudio tanto para el hombre como para la mujer y existen mas herramientas didácticas para el aprendizaje y descubrimiento de las cosas.


Best answer:

Answer by Erik H
Hola, use un traductor(Google traductor), porque mi ingles no es muy bueno, acá te lo dejo, no se si esta bien traducido, pero igual te lo paso:

Times have changed education is not the same as before, now everyone can explore many topics scientific, technological, artistic, etc. But still influences the economic part because education in some places is not free.

The advanced education, manages knowledge in a comprehensive manner, there are more opportunities to study both for men and for women, and there are more educational tools for learning and discovery of things.


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Necesito saber como se dice este parrafo en ingles?

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10 Comentarios

  1. The times had change, the education is not like before, now everyone can study several scientifics tems, technologics, artistics, etc… but until now there is the participation of the economyc part, because the education is not free in some places.

    The education is in a higher level, uses the known in integral form, there are more opportunities of study for the man and woman and there are more ….

  2. the times have been change , the education it isn´t is than later , now all can study more cientifics terms, tecnologics, artistics bueno eo es asta lo d etc.

  3. Times have changed. Education is not what it used to be, nowadays everyone can study many scientific, technological, artistic topics… but economics still play a role in education for it isn’t free in some places.

    Education has progressed, it handles knowledge in an integral way, there are more studying opportunities for males as well as females and there are more didactical tools for learning and discovering things.

  4. «The times have changed the education is not just as before, now all can study many scientific, technological, artistic subjects etc., but still it influences the economic part because the education in some places is not gratuitous. The advanced education to, handles the knowledge of integral form, there are but opportunities of study as much for the man as for the woman and exist but didactic tools for the learning and discovery

  5. Times have changed education is not the same as before, now everyone can explore many topics scientific, technological, artistic., But still influences the economic part because education in some places is not free.
    The advanced education, manages knowledge in a comprehensive manner, there are more opportunities to study both for men and for women, and there are more educational tools for learning and discovery of things

  6. Times have changed education is not the same as before, now everyone can explore many topics scientific, technological, artistic., But still influences the economic part because education in some places is not free.

  7. brisa de la mañana

    time had changed, education is not the same as it was before, now everyone can study many assignments, such as science technology , art work, etc., but still the economic side affects because of the fact that educacion it’s not free in many places.
    education has come a long way, handles knoledge in a holistic way . there are more education opportunities for man and woman , there are many didactic tools (learning tools) for learning and searching

  8. your-best-friend

    The times had changed, The education is not the same as it used to, now everyone can study several cientific, technologic, artistic, etc. subjects. However economy stills takes part because in some places education isn’t free.

    The education has improved, It manages knowlege in a united way. There are more and as much opportunities of study for man as for women, and there exist more didactic tools for learning and discovering of things

    Thank’s very much

    hope it helps you!

  9. times have changed, education is not the same as before, now they all can study scientific, thecnologycal and artistic courses, however, the economical part influences a lot because in some countries the education is not free.

    The education to outpost, handles the knowledge of integral form, there are more opportunities of study both for the man and for the woman and exist a lot more didactic tools for the learning and discovery of the things.

  10. Times have changed education is not the same as before, now everyone can explore many topics scientific, technological, artistic., But still influences the economic part because education in some places is not free.

    The advanced education, manages knowledge in a comprehensive manner, there are more opportunities to study both for men and for women, and there are more educational tools for learning and discovery of things.

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