Inicio / Educación It / Lisbon Street / Calle de Lisboa

Lisbon Street / Calle de Lisboa

Lisbon Street / Calle de Lisboa

Asunto Lisbon Street / Calle De Lisboa

Consulte sobre Lisbon Street / Calle de Lisboa relacionada con educación it.

Algunas buenas imágenes de educación it:

Lisbon Street / Calle de Lisboa
educación it
Image by victor_nuno
Full of life are the streets of this nice city. Even though it seems that there’s traffic, I always saw such a great education from drivers! I think it contributes, or it is as well, part of that special charm in the city.

Llenas de vida están las calles de esta bonita ciudad. Aunque parezca que hay tráfico, siempre note ¡tan buena educación en los conductores! Creo que contribuye, o es también parte de ese encanto especial de la ciudad.

educación it
Image by qvark
Zoo Jerez.

El zoo de jerez está considerado como el tercero mejor de España, y está a la cabeza en cuanto a investigación, educación y conservación de especies protegidas. Sin embargo, comparte con la mayoría de los zoológicos imágenes como ésta. No deja de ser chocante que sea necesario enjaular a los animales que quieres proteger, pero por lo visto a los seres más racionales del planeta no se nos puede educar de otra forma.

The zoo in Jerez is known to be the third best one in Spain, as well as being at the top in research, education and protection of endangered species. However, it shares images like this one with most of the zoos. It’s shocking to realize that it’s necessary to cage the animals you want to preserve, but it seems that the most rational beings in this planet cannot be educated otherwise.

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Lisbon Street / Calle de Lisboa

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26 Comentarios

  1. Victor, what a busy street and so colorful. It must be gorgeous at night….noisy…. this is very good angle, where were you when you pictured it?

  2. AnnuskA - AnnA Theodora

    wow! this is a really cool hdr! it brings up such amazing colors!

  3. It would be very interesting to see the properties of this picture!

  4. I thought it was a painting… Nice job!

  5. Nargiz, it really looks busy, but it isn’t that much! It may be more the angle at which I took the photograph, he he. Really wanted many things in 🙂

    Anna 🙂 E outra vez, muito obrigado! I’m glad you like this hdr!
    Hope you’re having a nice evening!!! 🙂

    Luuppi, pity because when creating an HDR image, all those details are deleted. That’s why they don’t appear here. But anyway, here they are:
    – Format: RAW
    – Shutter: 1 / 640
    – Aperture: F5.6
    – Focal length: 300
    – ISO: 400

    Pink Jaffar, thank you so much! … for your visit, and indeed for your words 🙂

  6. Wow! This is like a painting! I like how you treated the colors!
    I saw this on Explore! Congrats!!!

  7. Nana, thank you my friend! First of all because you liked it! I’m glad 🙂 And as well, I didn’t know that it appeared in Explore!
    Hope you’re having a nice sunday!

  8. Great hdr! I loved the electrico!! Lisbon is such beautiful city!!

  9. Great shot, wonderful work.

  10. mind'seye..(Pat)

    We have seen your wonderful photo and wanted to invite you to our "Eye" group.. And also look at our Threads that you also may be interested in.
    Beauty is in the *EYE* of the Beholder
    Please add your Beautiful Photo to:
    Beauty is in the *Eye* of the Beholder!

  11. .db. duanephotography

    I agree with everyone else! Great photo. It really does look like a painting.

  12. Espectacular imagen!

  13. Son fantasticos esses electricos ! el 28 es my destino favorito 🙂

  14. How much sharpening did you apply?

  15. Ruxandra, multumesc mult! I really liked them! I think Lisbon wouldn’t be the same without them, hehe. And I agree, … really beautiful city!

    Zoom Vie, thank you, for your visit and words! 🙂

    Mind’s eye, thank you so much for your invitation!

    Nycework One, thank you as well so much! I like the fact that it looks like a painting! … even though I usually don’t like to take my pictures too far from reality 🙂

    Memo, muchas gracias 🙂 Lo bonito realmente fue para mi estar ahí, con un buen descanso (que necesitaba), y esa bonita ciudad.

    C Mariani, não era o número 28 esse de Pessoa? Lisboa não seria a mesma sem eles 🙂

    Fun with Freddy, I didn’t apply sharpening to this concrete picture. In fact I darkened it through curves, as it came out too light. What I usually do is to apply a layer with filter–>high pass, setting the layer in overlay mode. But, really, not for this one! Maybe it’s because of shooting in RAW.

  16. Great affect. HDR or whatever tricks you used, it looks like a watercolour such as one sees in Baixa by the many artists displaying their works there.
    Nice piece of work, no wonder it appeared in Explore. I think I shall look at Lisbon differently next time I am there and wonder whether I might be able to achieve a similar effect without using RAW or HDR?

  17. kristineinindonesia

    it looks like a drawing!!!

  18. Sinto nesteas fotos a alma da minha cidade. Parabéns!

  19. Great use of HDR.

  20. Oh my … excellent photo … it stands out !! Love the colours .. Excellent job.

  21. Like so many other viewers I was drawn to your photo by the painting-like quality of it. It looks like a poster. The dimensions are flattened, the colors flattened too. Nice work!

  22. Jesus Guzman-Moya

    Hi, I’m an admin for a group called Traveler Photos Point of View (invited photos only), and we’d love to have your photo added to the group.


  23. Andrew Paul Kirchofer

    I thought it was a painting when I first saw this! Great job!

    Hi! I am the admin for this group. I would like to have your photo in the group’s pool.
    And you should take part in our "Lisbon" contest..
    see u there! 😉

  25. i love this set! well done! i also love your way with words!

  26. Esta imagen lo dice todo. Otra favorita!

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