Inicio / Becas / Innovative Use of the Internet Wins Ceramic Artist Peter Hayes Nomination Alongside Big Players TATE Online and The Sunday Times at the Prestigious BIMA Awards.

Innovative Use of the Internet Wins Ceramic Artist Peter Hayes Nomination Alongside Big Players TATE Online and The Sunday Times at the Prestigious BIMA Awards.

Innovative Use of the Internet Wins Ceramic Artist Peter Hayes Nomination Alongside Big Players TATE Online and The Sunday Times at the Prestigious BIMA Awards.

Asunto Innovative Use Of The Internet Wins Ceramic Artist Peter Hayes Nomination Alongside Big Players TATE Online And The Sunday Times At The Prestigious BIMA Awards.

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(PRWEB) November 24, 2004

Peter Hayes is one of Europe’s leading ceramic artists, receiving private and corporate commissions from the high end of the ceramics/sculpture market. When he approached the creative agency TRiBECA earlier this year, he wanted a business driven website that would bring his art to a wider audience, but without compromising his artistic integrity. His brief to the creative agency was to build a creative experience between the viewer and his work. ‘I wanted the website to reflect the same style of innovation and exploration as my own work’, Peter Hayes says. ‘I wanted TRiBECA to use their media just as creatively as I use mine’.

The Internet offers an excellent opportunity for artists to extend the reach of their work to a wider audience, but so far few artists have gone beyond showcasing their portfolio. Peter Hayes wanted to change this. Sherry Moran, creative director of the new media agency TRiBECA explains: ‘Peter Hayes website is intended to be an ever evolving, living entity that reflects and is part of the artist?s own creative process. It should not only extend the reach of his art, but also build a creative experience between the art and its audience’.

The creative experience Peter Hayes is trying to achieve between his art and his audience is underpinned by the website?s innovative and creative use of media. Features of the website include:

Visual database of technique and inspiration photographs and sketches which the artist documents as the work evolves.

Clients can follow their own commissioned work of art from inspiration through to completion in a password protected section.

Three artistic video pieces communicates the theme of the artists work – Earth, Fire, Water.

All text on the website is written by the artist himself, to provide a unique and personal insight into the mind and philosophy of the artist.

Sherry Moran said: ‘We were very excited and fortunate to work with an artist that had such a progressive and open-minded approach to using digital media, and we are delighted that this has been honored with a BIMA nomination’.

Peter Hayes Website: http://www.peterhayes-ceramics.com

For additional information contact:

Andre Moa, Marketing Manager, TRiBECA,

T: 020 7402 3133; E: [email protected]

W: http://www.tribecanewmedia.com


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Innovative Use of the Internet Wins Ceramic Artist Peter Hayes Nomination Alongside Big Players TATE Online and The Sunday Times at the Prestigious BIMA Awards.

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