Inicio / Colegios / Inflammation May Link Gum Disease and Other Illnesses, such as Cardiovascular Disease, says Miguel Angel Gonz

Inflammation May Link Gum Disease and Other Illnesses, such as Cardiovascular Disease, says Miguel Angel Gonz

San Juan, PR (PRWEB) September 13, 2012

Brush after every meal. Floss daily. See your dental professional regularly. These instructions make sense coming from your dentist to help you keep your teeth and gums healthy. But now not only dentists, but also many physicians understand the importance of maintaining oral health in an effort to keep the rest of the body healthy. Several research studies have suggested a potential association between gum disease and other health issues, including heart disease, stroke and diabetes. As more and more research reinforces the connection between periodontal and systemic health, scientists are beginning to shift their focus to understanding why these connections exist. One theory points to chronic inflammation as the culprit.

Inflammation is the bodys instinctive reaction to fight off infection, guard against injury or shield against irritation. Inflammation is often characterized by swelling, redness, heat and pain around the affected area. While inflammation initially intends to heal the body, over time, chronic inflammation can lead to dysfunction of the infected tissues, and therefore more severe health complications.

According to Miguel Angel Gonz

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