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Don’t Forget PPC

Don’t Forget PPC

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Building traffic is one of the most important challenges an internet entrepreneur faces. Using the big toolbox of Web 2.0 technology, web marketers have a wide range of options when promoting their websites and blogs. But one often overlooked technique is Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising. One reason that some internet entrepreneurs eschew this technique should be obvious-there’s a cost involved. The reality is, however that in order to make money online, you also need to spend some. And a well crafted-and well managed-PPC campaign can minimize the out of pocket expense, while maximizing returns.

With that in mind, there are some pitfalls to PPC advertising as well. Without proper planning, the campaign can get out of hand-and very costly-very quickly. PPC advertising requires constant monitoring and management in order to contain costs and maximize the return on investment (ROI) from the program. Step one-and arguably the most important step-is to become a student of PPC advertising. There are a lot of available resources, and many of them are free. But it would be wise to clearly understand what you are about to undertake, before you actually begin spending money.

And although patience is not necessary a predominant virtue of professional internet marketers, a PPC campaign needs some time to bear fruit. You can’t expect to launch the program Monday morning and see results Monday night. It’s also rumored that Google gives you a little internal boost once they have a comfort level with you. Although the workings of the Great Google Monster are a little fuzzy, let it be known that if they like you, it’s a good thing. And that too will take time.

As with any direct marketing effort, a rule of thumb is to test, test, test and then test some more. Split testing-sometimes referred to as A/B testing-is the preferred method of savvy internet marketers. When split testing, it’s also imperative to make sure you are using test groups that are big enough to give valid data.

Make sure you research the AdWords that you plan to use, by using a research tool intended specifically for that purpose. It’s also important to use negative keywords as well. Again, if all of this sounds like Greek to you right now, it’s probably time to start studying the tricks and techniques of PPC advertising.

David Allinson is the president and owner of Allinson Master Marketing Inc. David is an online business and lifestyle coach. He specializes in both online and offline marketing for the MLM, direct sales, and network marketing industries. He actively promotes and teaches others the value and benefit of Attraction Marketing — which simply put, means — be the «wizard», and give without want while being the leader people are seeking and they will ultimately flock to you and your opportunity!

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Don’t Forget PPC

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