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Detalles ZEMOS98_Martes de Festival_17

Detalles ZEMOS98_Martes de Festival_17

Tópico Detalles ZEMOS98_Martes De Festival_17

Consulte sobre Detalles ZEMOS98_Martes de Festival_17 relacionada con educación it.

Algunas buenas imágenes de educación it:

Detalles ZEMOS98_Martes de Festival_17
educación it
Image by Julio Albarrán
A Brian Lamb post-it misplaced in the shop of ZEMOS98 during the 11th Edition of its International Festival in Sevilla.

united we stand
educación it
Image by Dave_B_
Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorship prioritised freedom of education over the right to education, opening up education to the market, as though it were a product to buy and sell. The Concertación, a social democratic coalition that governed from 1990 to 2010, administered this model, introducing certain reforms that focused on access but neglected quality and equality. Today, only 10% of Chilean students access schools that will provide them with real opportunities for the future. [The Guardian, UK]

PoV: on top of a bus stand.

Protestas Estudiantiles, Junio 2011.
Santiago, Chile.

educación it
Image by susivinh
This boy, M.M. has a learning disability. He gets on everybody’s nerves and he gets the worst out of us. But he is also capable of getting the best out of me, and in turn I try my best to fish out the potential I know he has because I care and I want him to know his parents care and that he can do it. It may take him longer to get there, but he is taking the necessary steps. You should have seen him read aloud yesterday in front of his classmates during a field trip to the botanical gardens… A radiant smile and gleaming eyes for a precious little moment that proves that trust and effort are as nourishing if not more than food.

This is dedicated to all my fellow Flickr teachers and to Janice, who seems to be in love as much as I am with the iphone 4S 🙂

Focus 52 – Week 20: Nurture

Ver más temas de educación it


Detalles ZEMOS98_Martes de Festival_17

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13 Comentarios

  1. Madaмe Garвυrn♥

    Con esfuerzo y un poquito de amor todos podemos aprender! muy bonita =)

  2. ¡Qué bonita!

  3. glad someone cares, lovely shot.

  4. you have such wonderful tones in your images Susana … lovely shot 🙂

  5. Love the focus in this image. Wonderful

  6. Cute view and nice colors!

  7. gary's images/studio g

    does a principal count? 😉 Awesome shot. makes me want to get an iphone just for the camera.

  8. Thanks for being part of Focus52.

  9. Well done, great honesty and awesome image!

  10. great picture and story

  11. Wonderful! The most special kind of nurturing. Your words are absolutely perfect.
    and yep … loving my iphone. LOL!

    Thanks for linking up at focus52.

  12. Great tribute to teachers and also to studentship! Love the POV, which makes it essentially an image from the viewpoint of the teacher!

  13. Your own personal, Jesus

    Superb shot and nice to hear that he is being encourage to do well 🙂

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