Inicio / Maestrías / Dance of the puppets / Baile de las marionetas

Dance of the puppets / Baile de las marionetas

Dance of the puppets / Baile de las marionetas

Entérese de Dance Of The Puppets / Baile De Las Marionetas, pertinente a Maestrías

MAESTRíAS, Referencia a Dance of the puppets / Baile de las marionetas enfocada en la sección de maestrías para apreciación de nuestros visitantes.

Check out these maestrías images:

Dance of the puppets / Baile de las marionetas
Image by victor_nuno
What are we here for? I mean, life. We’ve all got some superb cababilities. And abilities. The best use we can give them is to get a smile from people. To transmit smile. That’s what these puppet masters did. Admirably, through their abitily, they made all of us smile.

¿Para qué estamos aquí? Me refiero a la vida. Todos tenemos capacidades destacables. Y habilidades. El mejor uso que les podemos dar es obtener una sonrisa de la gente. Transmitirla. Eso es lo que estos maestros de marionetas hicieron. Admirablemente, a través de su habilidad, nos hicieron sonreir a todos.

See where this picture was taken. [?]

Image by maduarte

Image by maduarte

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Dance of the puppets / Baile de las marionetas

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9 Comentarios

  1. Es precioso ese movimiento de color de la marioneta, qué bonito momento Víctor.

    Seen on my Flickr home page. (?)

  2. Just when I’m feeling like a whirling dervish here at work, you show me a whirling dervish!

    Beautiful and precious, Victor!

  3. you captured the richness of the colors and textures of this cultural marvel

  4. AnnuskA - AnnA Theodora

    aaaah, must be sooo awesome to watch it! well, at least I know I would love to…
    beautiful colors here! ^.^

    Great Shot! Please join us at:
    I Think this is Art !

  5. Beautiful capture!

  6. Yes, getting smile from people…that could be a nice achievement.

  7. Nós da Montanha

    Very nice, Victor!

    it makes me feel like dancing too

    (I’ve been very busy and I miss you, my friend)

  8. so cute!!

    Congratulations! Your photo has been nominated as "Superb Masterpiece"
    You are invited to add your wonderful picture to Superb Masterpiece Group
    Please read the Group Rules and tag your photo SuperbMasterpiece

  9. Victor, in addition to a great colors I need to say this image is outstanding!!! And really want to visit some of these shows. must be fascinating!

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