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Formación Profesional

Encuentro «Empresas y Formación Profesional DUAL»

Unas pocas imágenes de formación profesional queremos compartir: Encuentro «Empresas y Formación Profesional DUAL» Image by Parlamento de Cantabria El presidente del Parlamento asistió al encuentro EMPRESAS Y FORMACIÓN PROFESIONAL ‘DUAL’. En dicho acto participaron el presidente de Cantabria, Ignacio Diego, así como el ministro de Educación, José Ignacio Wert. …

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Nokia N Series Leader Nokia N95 8gb

by PresidenciaGVA Nokia N series: Experience a New High with the Novel N series Nokia, the world leader in mobile phones has launched its N series of mobile phones proving once again that when it comes to innovation, Nokia is the leader of the game. Nokia has created technological …

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Nokia N-Series – Best N Series Mobile Phones

by PresidenciaGVA latest Nokia mobile phones have been praised word wide and created huge buzz in the changing world of mobile business. Mobile phones like this are very sophisticated and elegant. Since the beginning of the N-terminal first series, Nokia has completed various high tech gadgets in this league. The …

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Nokia N97: A Star In The Popular N Series

by Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires With the increasing demand of mobile phones in the global market today, there are numerous companies who have entered the telecom market and have increased the competition of the existing mobile phone manufacturing companies. So much so that today there is cut-throat …

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