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Formación Profesional


Echa un vistazo a éstas imágenes de formación profesional: DSCN2272 Image by cedec_ite 20110520 Skills Lanbide Heziketa ekitaldia Lakuan Image by IMH Elgoibar. Instituto Maquina Herramienta. Makin Euskoskills eta Spainskillsetan parte hartu dutenei eskertza adierazteko Eusko Jaurlaritzak antolatako ekitaldia Ver más artículos de formación profesional

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Nokia N8 Mobile

by PresidenciaGVA Nokia has successfully completed its 15 years of service in India. On this occasion Nokia has declared a new contest through which contestant will win a Nokia N8. This promotion is available on many free classifieds sites. These days Nokia n8 mobile phone is in highlights in the …

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Nokia N98 Price

by Gobierno de Aragón The well known and world famous telecom industry Nokia is now focusing at delivering new gadgets in its high end N series to the market. Recently Nokia mobile has launched an N 98 mobile phone with lots of interesting features and specifications. This stunning mobile phone …

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Samsung N110 Review

by Gobierno de Aragón The Samsung N110 may be considered a 10-inch netbook providing an Intel Atom N270 processor and long-lasting six-cell battery with statements of as an ideal offer as 8.5 several hours of battery life. The glossy dark lid, red-colored trim, and tiny profile pattern operates for college …

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