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Boca Raton Prosthodontic Specialist Creates Interactive Website

Boca Raton Prosthodontic Specialist Creates Interactive Website

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Boca Raton, FL (PRWEB) September 25, 2012

Prosthodontic dental specialist, Carolina Steier, DMD, of East Boca Dental Implants and Prosthodontics has announced the launch of a new, patient-focused website. The practice recently launched the new website created by dental website design leader, ProSites, Inc. The website contains multiple interactive features including a free smile analysis features and informational dental videos that help patients make better informed decisions about their oral health. The website also utilizes extensive search engine optimization techniques to reach patients and local consumers who are searching for relevant information about Boca Raton dental implants.

I think it is important to have an information-rich website readily available to people searching online, because patients can get information they need regarding their oral health. Throughout my career, I learned that well informed patients are more cooperative and compliant. I see my patients as my partners and my job is to inform them about their oral health. The more informed they are, the better the decision they can make, said Dr. Steier.

Current and prospective patients now have access to information about dental procedures, Dr. Steiers biography, and other informative content when they visit the website. Some of Dr. Steiers services include:

Prosthodontic Dentistry

Implant Dentistry

Reconstructive Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

TMJ Treatment

Dr. Steier is also utilizing her website to educate the community on the importance of oral health. The website includes a links page with informative resources as well as a testimonials page with real patient reviews.

Patients and users can get multiple benefits from visiting the links and the smile gallery, as it will give them the most up-to-date information regarding dentistry, said Dr. Steier. I think visualizing information through pictures makes the learning easier. They can learn about all the procedures we do before they make decisions. Knowing about the procedures and what is involved will hopefully make their treatment a pleasant experience.»

About East Boca Dental Implants and Prosthodontics:

A native of Venezuela, Dr. Steier graduated in dentistry at the Central University of Venezuela in Caracas (Universidad Central de Venezuela), and after practicing as a general dentist in Caracas, she attended the prestigious Goldman School of Graduate Dentistry of Boston University and earned her Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in Prosthodontics.

Prior to establishing her dental practice in Boca Raton, Dr. Steier had a private practice in the largest private hospital in Caracas (Hospital de Clinicas Caracas) for over 10 years. Due to political unrest, Dr. Steier came to the U.S.A. in 2001. She obtained her U.S. license to practice dentistry, lectured in a number of international symposiums, and took part in numerous major dental congresses. She was also an associate professor at Nova Southeastern University. She is currently running her own office offering all the services of a general dentist in addition to specialized prosthodontics in Boca Raton, Florida.

For more information about Dr. Carolina Steier or East Boca Dental Implants and Prosthodontics, please visit their website at steierdentistry.com.

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Boca Raton Prosthodontic Specialist Creates Interactive Website

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