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¿Correcion de texto en ingles?

¿Correcion de texto en ingles?

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Question by Rosa: ¿Correcion de texto en ingles?
Necesito la corrección de este texto urgentemente. Gracias por adelantado.

After I had left my school I went to a secundary school. On summer, before starting secundary school I felt nervous because the people told me that it was very difficult and the teachers was very serious. I began to feel scared. The first day at school I had met with my friends before the lessons started. I can remember that I didn’t speak anything. There were a lot of teenager when we went to the college’s main door. Most of them were my old school’s friends and there were new students, too. I felt better because many people were also in the same situation of myself. Then, everyone went in the college. The teachers presented to us and we came to our own class. Finally, the bell rang and we could go at home. I saw all my friends again and we were funny. In the end it wasn’t so terrible.

Best answer:

Answer by Roser
After I had left my school i went to a secundary school. On summer, before starting secundary school I was feeling nervous because the people has told me that it was very difficult and the teachers were very serious. I felt scared. The first day at school I met with my friends before the lessons have started. I remember that I didn’t speak anything. There were a lot of teenager when we went to college’s main door. Most of them were my old school’s friends and there were new students, too. I felt better because many people was also in the same situation. Then, everyone went in the college. The teachers had presented to us and we came to our own class. Finally, the bell rang and we could go at home. I say all my friends again and we were funny. It short, it wasn’t so terrible.

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¿Correcion de texto en ingles?

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3 Comentarios

  1. katiusjonas_lupin

    Hola, las correcciones están en mayúscula o entre paréntesis

    After I LEFT my school, I went to a secundary school (lo que pasa es que went creo que no va ahí, tal vez puedes cambiar eso por algo como: , I’ve been studying in a secundary school).

    On summer, before starting secundary school I felt nervous BECAUSE PEOPLE told ME IT (el «the» esta mal y el that no es necesario en este caso) was very difficult and the teachers ARE very serious. I began to feel scared. The first day at school I MET MY friends before the CLASSES started (si te refieres a encontrarte con amigos que ya conocias, utiliza lo que te escribi, si son nuevos I MET SOME FRIENDS). I REMEMBER I didn’t SAY anything (o I didn’t say a word).
    There were a lot of teenagerS when we ARRIVED to the college’s main door. Most of them were my old school’s friends and there were new students, too. I felt better because many people were also in the same situation of myself (creo que ME en vez de myself, no estoy segura). Then, everyone ARRIVED TO THE college. The teachers INTRODUCE THEMSELVES and we WENT to our own class. Finally, the bell rang and we could GO HOME. I saw all my friends again and we were happy (happy si quieres decir felices o «we all though it was funny»). AT the end it wasn’t so terrible.

    Espero haberte ayudado

  2. After I left my school I went to a secundary school. On summer, before starting secundary school I felt nervous because people told me it was very difficult and teachers were very serious. I began to feel scared. The first day at school I met with my friends before the lessons started. I remember I didn’t say anything. There were a lot of teenager when we went to the college’s main door. Most of them were my old school’s friends and there were new students too. I felt better because many people were also in the same situation than me. Then, everyone came in to the college. The teachers introduced themselves and we came to our class. Finally, the bell rang and we could go home. I saw all my friends again and we had fun. In the end it wasn’t so terrible.

  3. Educacion secundaria: 1° – 8° cierto? En EEUU tenemos 4 niveles: Preescolar (preschool & Kindergarten), Elementary (primaria 1…. 1° – 5°) Middle School o Junior High (6° – 8°) y Highschool (9° – 12°) Por eso dije despues de terminar el grado 8…..porsiaca

    After finishing the 8th grade I went to a high school. That summer, before 9th grade classes started I felt so nervous because people had told me it was very difficult and the teachers were always so serious and strict. I started to feel scared. The first day of school i had met with my friends before classes began. I can remember that I didn’t say anything. There were a lot of teenagers standing outside the main entrance when we arrived. Most of them were also in the same situation as myself. Everyone went in. The teachers introduced themselves and we all went to our classes. Finally the bell rang and we could go home. I saw all of my friends again and we all had a good time. It wasn’t so terrible afterall.

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