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Valencia Is The City Of Passion And Romance

Valencia Is The City Of Passion And Romance

Sobre Valencia Is The City Of Passion And Romance

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Centrally located along the Eastern coast of Spain, this majestic city is a world favorite with well over a million tourists visiting every year. The reason so many people flock to this city is there is so much to do and se, which means that hotels fill up quickly during the tourist season, but you can choose instead one of the fully furnished lovely holiday apartments. This affords you all the comforts of home, which naturally makes you love the city that much more.

One of the nicest aspects to Valencia is it has a warm climate, which means anytime is a good time to visit the city, but if you want to visit the beaches, then the best time to go is the months of June, July, August, and September. If you just want to see the many monuments the city has to offer, then you can visit any time of year, which makes it easier to plan your trip. During the summer months, due to the beaches, more tourists’ parade through the city, so if you want to visit during the off-season, make sure to choose any time other than the summer months.

Some of the most notable areas to visit when you are in the city is the Cathedral de Valencia, which is located in the old quarter of the city and the building has its influence in design by the Roman Empire as well as a Christian influence that gives it a unique look. It is a building that helps you to get a glimpse into the older part of Valencia.

In addition, you will want to visit La Lonja, which offers many of the city’s attractions including the Palace of the Marquis de Dos Aguas, the Palacio de la Generaldad, which is a 15th century palace that is home to the government officers, and the Valencia’s Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno where you will find a spectacular collection of modern art.

When it comes to the foods in Valencia, you can be sure that if you head to a restaurant, you will eat paella, which is prepared many ways but it is basically a rice dish that often contains chicken and other meats such as seafood, but in Valencia, it is mostly prepared with vegetables, chicken, and perhaps rabbit.

When you visit Valencia, regardless of the time of year, you are sure to experience a lot of the city’s history, beauty, and of course have a wonderful time at the beaches if you come during the summer months. Of course, one of the things you will want to do is book your vacation apartment well in advance of your trip because that way you can have a larger selection to choose from and make sure you get the number of bedrooms you need for your group.

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Valencia Is The City Of Passion And Romance

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