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Learn how to surf and speak Spanish while relaxing in a tropical paradise!

Learn how to surf and speak Spanish while relaxing in a tropical paradise!

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Have you ever wished that you could combine your favorite activities with a learning experience in a paradisiacal tropical place? At La Escuela del Sol (the School of the Sun) in Costar Rica you can learn how to surf, master your yoga skills, fire dance, and learn Spanish all at the same time! This wonderful Costa Rica surf and Spanish school is located in the beautiful town of Montezuma, nestled between the tropical forest and the ocean.

You can visit this Costa Rica surf and Spanish school and stay for a week or for a month. When you immerse yourself in a different culture, you will be surprised how easy it is to learn a new language and master it by using it every day, and now you can do it while relaxing, meditating, or having surfing adventures. If you want to learn how to surf, or become more skilled at it, there is a little-known beach very close to this Costa Rica surf and Spanish school called Playa Grande where the waves are constant and you can enjoy some privacy while you learn how to surf. If you are a master surfer and can’t wait to hit the big waves, the Costa Rica surf and Spanish school offers three secret locations where the waves are world class and you will have the time of your life riding them. These locations are only offered to small groups of surfers, 4 maximum, so you will have ample space to surf and will not have to fight over waves.

The Costa Rica surf and Spanish school, La Escuela del Sol, offers great Spanish lessons in small groups, and since new students are only admitted every two weeks, the rate of learning doesn’t slow down. The “Ticos” that teach Spanish at this Costa Rica surf and Spanish school are college professors whose native language is Spanish, and the classroom learning is combined with interactive activities where you can get to practice wheat you learn, even with the locals! In addition, you can combine your Spanish lessons with surf lessons, yoga practice, or fire dancing lessons.

The yoga classes at this Costa Rica surf and Spanish school are held at the beach where you have as a backdrop the calming ocean. Fire dancing (Poi) is a complicated form of dance that has been practiced for over 5000 years mainly amongst the Maori from New Zealand. Although Poi is very complicated, the instructors at the Costa Rica surf and Spanish school make it easy, fun, and safe, and soon enough you will be infusing your own style into it.

So, if you are looking for a wonderful adventure this summer, come to the Costa Rica surf and Spanish school La Escuela del Sol and learn how to dance, surf and speak Español.

For an aesthetic experience about costa rica surf and spanish school and yoga and surfing, LaEscuela is the best place to visit. Besides, Costa Rica gives you the chance to escape from your routine life. What are you waiting for pal?

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Learn how to surf and speak Spanish while relaxing in a tropical paradise!

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