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Breakthrough Drug MW151 Emerges as a Potential Competitor to Perispinally Administered Etanercept Inducing Rapid Recovery of Functions Lost to Alzheimers, Stroke and TBI

Breakthrough Drug MW151 Emerges as a Potential Competitor to Perispinally Administered Etanercept Inducing Rapid Recovery of Functions Lost to Alzheimers, Stroke and TBI

Entérese de Breakthrough Drug MW151 Emerges As A Potential Competitor To Perispinally Administered Etanercept Inducing Rapid Recovery Of Functions Lost To Alzheimers, Stroke And TBI, en relación con Universidades

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(PRWEB) March 13, 2013

When perispinal etanercept (Enbrel) was first heralded as a treatment for Alzheimers, stroke and TBI in 2006, critics questioned how a single drug could enable the rapid recovery of function in conditions as diverse as Alzheimers, stroke and traumatic brain injury.

MW151,is a broad spectrum neuro anti-inflammatory agent that delivers neuro-proctective and neuro-regenerative health inducing properties. Neuro-inflammation is a type of brain inflammation that seems to be a common denominator in the progressive neurological damage characteristic of diseases such as Alzheimers, multiple sclerosis, Parkinsons, brain injury and stroke, Dr. Watterson said. MW151 and its relative MW189 are an entirely new class of drug. MW151 and MW189 are both orally administered drugs that readily cross the blood-brain barrier. Like perispinal Enbrel, MW151 and MW189 work by preventing the overproduction of brain proteins called pro-inflammatory cytokines.

Neurological Wellness Center began holding perispinal injection technique training courses in the spring of 2011. Since then physicians, nurses and lay caregivers have come from around the world to their Center in Managua Nicaragua for individualized instructional courses teaching this procedure. Presently Neurological Wellness Center remains the only institution in the world teaching this perispinal Enbrel injection procedure. For more information about Neurological Wellness Centers perispinal injection courses, visit: http://reversealzheimersnow.com.

For many, flying to Managua Nicaragua to receive this personalized training is an enormous expense and inconvenience. To overcome this problem, Neurological Wellness Center, under the direction of Augusto Ramirez, M.D., created Perispinal Enbrel Step-By-Step Instructional Video and accompanying e-book. This 24-minute video and 37-page e-book are now available online at http://www.neurological-recovery-guide.com.

Augusto Ramirez, M.D., Director of Neurological Wellness Center, a private medical group in Managua Nicaragua, authorized this press release.

In the study MW151, given three to six hours after a traumatic brain injury, successfully prevented the development of pro-inflammatory cytokines. If you took a drug like this early on after a TBI or even a stroke, you could possibly prevent the long-term complications of that injury including the risk of seizures, cognitive impairment and perhaps mental health issues, said Mark Wainwright, M.D., Professor of Pediatric Neurology at Feinberg Medical School.

Although MW151 and Enbrel are chemically and pharmacologically each in a distinct and separate class they both act to attenuate the production of excess pro-inflammatory cytokines in the brain. The efficacy of MW151 adds to the now substantial and accumulating clinical evidence that excess pro-inflammatory cytokines are centrally involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimers disease, stroke and TBI. The diverse conditions that both MW151 and perispinal Enbrel effectively treat unite these disorders and validate the common involvement of pro-inflammatory cytokines and particularly TNF-alpha, the bodys primary cytokine, in their pathogenesis. In Alzheimers disease, many people now view the progression from mild cognitive impairment to full blown Alzheimers as an indication of malfunctioning synapses, the pathways that allow neurons to talk to each other, and high levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines can contribute to synaptic malfunction…. Overall, the data reported here add to the growing body of evidence that had identified dysregulated glial activation and proinflammatory cytokine overproduction as a common early pathophysiologic mechanism and potential therapeutic target in diverse neurodegenerative disorders», said Dr. D. Martin Watterson.

«Traumatic brain injury involves an overproduction of cytokines as well, this time created by a type of cell in the brain called glial cells. Glial cells normally support and protect the brain’s neurons by holding them in place, providing them with oxygen and nutrients, protecting one neuron from another and destroying any dead neurons or invading germs. But after the brain sustains significant trauma, the glial cells go into overdrive and produce proinflammatory cytokines that can eventually lead to cognitive problems and even epilepsy. Similar mechanisms in the brain can happen following a stroke, which also causes brain inflammation and can lead to epilepsy or other cognitive issues.» Tara Haelle of Daily RX

The primary problem with drugs like MW151 and MW189 is that a series of clinical trials must be completed before these drugs receive FDA approval and this will take years, perhaps even a decade or longer, said Rolando Rodrigues, M.D., Neurosurgeon at Vivian Pellas and professor at Universidad Nacional Autonoma School of Medicine in Managua Nicaragua. Alzheimers, stroke and TBI affect millions of people each year. The unmet medical needs are enormous. The drug Enbrel is available now. Enbrel received FDA approval in 1998. Its safety profile is well understood. Unlike MW151 and MW189, Enbrel does not readily cross the blood brain barrier. For Enbrel to effectively treat Alzheimers, stroke and TBI, it must be administered to the back of the neck precisely between the cervical vertebrae C-5 and C-6. This perispinal injection allows Enbrel to enter the brain by lymph drainage assisted by gravity. Fortunately for the millions of people now afflicted with Alzheimers, stroke and TBI, a video is now available online detailing in step-by-step fashion how to administer a perispinal injection of Enbrel, said Dr. Rolando Rodrigues.

Every day countless thousands of people in the U.S. and around the world must move to assisted living facilities because the drugs currently available are failing to halt the progression of these diseases. FDA approval of perispinally administered Enbrel as a treatment for TBI, stroke and Alzheimers disease would result in medical schools around the world incorporating perispinal Enbrel injection technique into the standard curriculum.

Enbrel has been approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis since 1998. It is being aggressively marketed by Amgen/Pfizer earning them over $ 5 Billion annually. Over 400,000 Americans are currently taking Enbrel. A box of 25 mg vials typically retails for $ 1000. To purchase boxes of Enbrel for as low as $ 765/ box visit: http://www.genuine-enbrel-cheaper.com/. The safety parameters of Enbrel are well established. To access the 173 references in support of the assertions in this press release, click the file attachment at the right side of this page.

To enroll in a hands-on instructional course on perispinal injections visit http://www.reversealzheimersnow.com.

To purchase an instructional video and e-book on administering perispinal injections visit http://www.neurological-treatmentguide.com.

For more information on MW151 and MW189 visit:




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Breakthrough Drug MW151 Emerges as a Potential Competitor to Perispinally Administered Etanercept Inducing Rapid Recovery of Functions Lost to Alzheimers, Stroke and TBI

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educaya.org no tiene ninguna afiliación con BREAKTHROUGH DRUG MW151 EMERGES AS A POTENTIAL COMPETITOR TO PERISPINALLY ADMINISTERED ETANERCEPT INDUCING RAPID RECOVERY OF FUNCTIONS LOST TO ALZHEIMERS, STROKE AND TBI ni las empresas, personas o instituciones que publican los artículos sobre o relacionados con universidades. Si desea visitar el portal original de breakthrough drug mw151 emerges as a potential competitor to perispinally administered etanercept inducing rapid recovery of functions lost to alzheimers, stroke and tbi por favor analice los vínculos de referencia escritos arriba en el artículo a Universidades.

2 Comentarios

  1. I’m post intracerebral hemorrhage stroke patient for 3 years now. Can you please locate me hospitals and clinics in Nicaragua for » perispinal eternacept injection? Please help !!!!!!!

  2. Is MW151 or MW189 drugs treat chronic strokes also? Please locate me the clinics and hospitals in Nicaragua.

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