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¿traduscanlo en ingles por favor 5 estrellas a quien me ayude?

¿traduscanlo en ingles por favor 5 estrellas a quien me ayude?

Asunto ¿traduscanlo En Ingles Por Favor 5 Estrellas A Quien Me Ayude?

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Question by Laur S: ¿traduscanlo en ingles por favor 5 estrellas a quien me ayude?
ok necesito que traduscan esto en ingles, por favor no usen traductores ya que traducen mal
este necesito que traduscan:

Nuestro proyecto es sobre el reciclaje
Al año se talan millones de árboles para hacer hojas de papel, de las cuales el treinta y dos porciento se desperdicia
Para que este porcentaje disminuya, haremos un proyecto a pequeña escala
Que consiste en ir a los cubículos de los profesores e ir recolectando los papeles que ya no sirvan, para después llevarlos a una planta de reciclaje para que se fabriquen diferentes cosas con ellos

si pueden complementar algo por favor hagan lo, pero principalmente traduscanlo


Best answer:

Answer by emita i love 31
Our project is on the recycling A year million trees are felled to do leaves(sheets) of paper(role), of which thirty two porciento it is wasted In order that this percentage diminishes, we will do a project on a small scale That consists of going to the cubicles of the teachers and of being gathering the papers(roles) that already do not serve, of later taking them to a plant(floor) of recycling in order that different things are made by them
creo que va asi nose bien lode los parentesis esque no estoy segura

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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¿traduscanlo en ingles por favor 5 estrellas a quien me ayude?

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4 Comentarios

  1. ten cuidado te estan dando traducciones de traductores. mira esta es del mundo es un traductor

    Our project is on the recycling A year million trees are felled to do leaves(sheets) of paper(role), of which thirty two porciento it is wasted In order that this percentage diminishes, we will do a project on a small scale That consists of going to the cubicles of the teachers and of being gathering the papers(roles) that already do not serve, of later taking them to a plant(floor) of recycling in order that different things are made by them

    Lo carrecto seria esto

    Our project is about recycling
    Million of trees per year are cut down to make paper sheets, of which thirty-two percent is wasted
    To decrease this percentage, we will make a small project
    That is to go to the cubicles of the teachers and go to collect the papers that no longer serve, then take them to a recycling plant for the manufacture different things with them

  2. Hola, sé inglés de mi educación secundaria. Haré lo mejor que pueda.

    Our project is about recycle.
    Each year cut down millons of trees to make paper folders, and the thirty two of them are waste.
    To this percentage decrease, we make a little scale project who consisted in go to the profesors cubicles and recolect the unusable papers. Then we take it to the reciclyng plant for do all kind of things with they.

    Espero haberte ayudado aunque sea un poco…

  3. Bueno ahi va mi Traduccion

    Our proyect is about the recycling
    In a year, felled a thousands of threes to do paper, of wich
    the thirty-two percent is wasted.
    For this percent decrease, we will do a proyect in a little scale
    consisting in go to the cubicles of the teachers and recolect the paper that no longer serve, for before that taking to a plant or recycling to do diferent products with these.

    pues ahi esta…espero te sirva y suerte con tu trabajo

  4. Nuestro proyecto es sobre el reciclaje
    Al año se talan millones de árboles para hacer hojas de papel, de las cuales el treinta y dos porciento se desperdicia
    Para que este porcentaje disminuya, haremos un proyecto a pequeña escala
    Que consiste en ir a los cubículos de los profesores e ir recolectando los papeles que ya no sirvan, para después llevarlos a una planta de reciclaje para que se fabriquen diferentes cosas con ellos our project is about reciclying every year millions trees are cut down to make sheets of paper which almost thirthy two percent is wasted
    in despite of decrease this average we¨ll make a little project about

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