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¿quien me traduzca este texto por favor?

¿quien me traduzca este texto por favor?

Tema ¿quien Me Traduzca Este Texto Por Favor?

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Question by chatita: ¿quien me traduzca este texto por favor?
Yo me levanto a las 6:00am, a las 6:30am tomo mi desayuno; a las 7:00am la alisto a mi hija Xiomara para llevarla a su jardín y a las 7:30 me dirijo a mi trabajo.
En mi trabajo me desempeño como profesora, trabajo en conjunto con mis niños pequeños que son de educación inicial; mi hora de entrada es a las 7:45 y mi hora de salida es a la 1:30pm.
Luego de salir del trabajo me dirijo a mi casa; almuerzo como todos los días luego descanso solo una hora y media y de ahí empiezo a cuidar el Internet desde las 3:00pm hasta las 12:00 medianoche, esa es mi rutina de todos los días de lunes a viernes. Los días sábados estudio el curso de ingles en la universidad cesar vallejo y los domingos me dedico a mi familia

Best answer:

Answer by ?
I get up at 6:00am, to them 6:30am I take my breakfast; at 7:00am I enlist my daughter Xiomara to take her to his(her,your) garden and at 7:30 I go to my work.
In my work I get out of a jam myself as teacher, work as a whole with my small children who are of initial education; my hour(o’clock) of entry is at 7:45 and my hour of exit is to her(it) 1:30pm.
After going out of the work I go to my house; lunch like every day then I rest only one hour and a half and of there I start taking care of the Internet from 3:00pm up to(even) them 12:00 midnight, this it is my routine of every day from Monday until Friday. On Saturdays I study the course of English in the university to stop vallejo and every Sunday I devote myself to my family

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¿quien me traduzca este texto por favor?

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2 Comentarios

  1. Grapics Itzgranvip

    I get up at 6:00 am, at 6:30 am I take my breakfast, at 7:00 am the Xiomara enlisted my daughter to take to your garden and at 7:30 I go to work.
    In my job I work as a teacher, working together with my children who are early childhood education, my check in time is at 7:45 and my departure time is at 1:30 pm.
    After leaving work I turn to my house like every day lunch break after an hour and a half and then start taking care of the Internet from 3:00 pm to 12:00 midnight, that’s my routine for all day from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays the course of English study in college Cesar Vallejo and Sundays I devote myself to my family

  2. I get up at 6:00 am, at 6:30 am I take my breakfast, at 7:00 am the Xiomara enlisted my daughter to take to your garden and at 7:30 I go to work.
    In my job I work as a teacher, working together with my children who are early childhood education, my check in time is at 7:45 and my departure time is at 1:30 pm.
    After leaving work I turn to my house like every day lunch break after an hour and a half and then start taking care of the Internet from 3:00 pm to 12:00 midnight, that’s my routine for all day from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays the course of English study in college Cesar Vallejo and Sundays I devote myself to my family

    saludoss cuando necesites traducir,entra a http://www.google.com.ar ,una vez que entras arriba del todo hay letras azules que dicen LA WEB , IMAGENES ,VIDEO ,NOTICIAS, LIBROS Y TRADUCTOR APRETÁ TRADUCTOR Y PONES TU TEXTO .listooooooooo


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