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¿Por favor, alguien me puede traducir en un buen nivel de inglés esta redacción? Le daré la mayor puntuación?

¿Por favor, alguien me puede traducir en un buen nivel de inglés esta redacción? Le daré la mayor puntuación?

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Question by lacampa_nessi: ¿Por favor, alguien me puede traducir en un buen nivel de inglés esta redacción? Le daré la mayor puntuación?
Tengo que hacer una redacción para clase y no se me da bien, ya estoy en clases particulares de inglés pero todavía no se me da muy bien, estoy desesperada necesito por lo menos tener en una buena nota para poder aprobar, por favor AYUDA!!! GRACIAS!!!
P.D: Que no sea de traductor online que eso tmb lo se hacer yo

La redacción es la siguiente:

¿Deben ser los estudiantes castigados por no ir a clase?¿Es bueno para ellos que sean castigados?¿Qué cosas tiene a favor y en contra esos castigos?
En primer lugar los estudiantes necesitan más disciplina ya que muchos se creen que son los reyes del colegio y eso no es así porque el colegio lo compone una comunidad educativa formada tanto por alumnos como por profesores y otras personas que trabajan allí. En segundo lugar los castigos sirven para aprender, son educativos, y ayudan a no volver a cometer los mismos errores.
En contraste, hay métodos mejores que los castigos para la educación de los estudiantes como por ejemplo: en vez de castigar al alumno por no asistir a clase, recompensarlo cuando sí que asista. Además la razón de ir a clase y estudiar no debería ser hacerlo para no estar castigado sino para sacar buenas notas y poder ser en el futuro lo que uno quiera.
En conclusión, algunos castigos sirven para aprender de los errores, pero no siempre los métodos utilizados para ello son los correctos, y, en mi opinión, yo creo que los castigos para los estudiantes son buenos siempre que sean educativos y no para fastidiar al alumno.

Best answer:

Answer by anonimo
aqui tienes espero que te sirva

,Should students be punished for not going to class? Is it good for them to be punished and what things are for and against such punishment?
First students need more discipline, as many think they are kings of the college and that is not because the school as an educational community made up of both students and teachers and others working there. Secondly, the punishments serve to learn, are educational and help to stop the same mistakes.
In contrast, there are better approaches to punishment for the education of students for example: instead of punishing the student for not attending class, reward them when they attend. Besides the reason of going to class and study should not be punished for not doing so but to get good grades and be in the future what you want.
In conclusion, certain punishments used to learn from mistakes, but not always the methods are correct, and in my opinion, I think the punishment for students are good provided they are educational and not to annoy the student .

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¿Por favor, alguien me puede traducir en un buen nivel de inglés esta redacción? Le daré la mayor puntuación?

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2 Comentarios

  1. Should students be punished for not going to their class? Is it good for them to be punished? What things have in pro and what in con those punishments?
    In first place students need more dicipline as there many believe that they are the kings of school and that is not like this because school is made up for and educational comunity consist of student as teachers and other people who work there. In second place punishment works for learning,it’s educational and it helps to not make the same mistaked again.
    In contrast ,there are better metods than punishment for the education of the students such as: instead of punish the student for not go to class, reward him when he does go. As well the main reason of going to class and study should not be done to not being punished but to get good grades and have the oportunity to be in the future what he wants to be.
    In conclution, some punishments work to learn from their own mistakes,but not always the methods which are being used for it are right and in my opinion i believe that punishments for students are good as long as they are educational and not to bother the student.

    Lo traducí yo

  2. Espero que te ayude:

    Must the students be punished for no going class? is it good for them? which things are to favor or in against these punishments?
    First the students need more discipline since many consider themselves as the kings of the school, and it is wrong because the school is composed by an educational community as teachers as students and people who work there. Secondly punishments are useful for learning, are educational and they help not to make the same mistakes.
    Otherwise, there are better methods than the punishments for the students education, for example: instead of punishing the student for not being present at class, they have to reward him when he is. In addition the reason of going to class and studying should not be to do it for not to be punished but getting good grades and reaching what they would want to be in the future.
    In conclusion, some punishments get that we learn from mistakes, but not always the methods which are used for it are the correct ones, and, in my opinion, I believe that the punishments for the students are good providing that they are educational and not to bother the student

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