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¿Me puedes ayudar a traducir este texto del español al ingles?? doy 5 estrellas?

¿Me puedes ayudar a traducir este texto del español al ingles?? doy 5 estrellas?

Tópico ¿Me Puedes Ayudar A Traducir Este Texto Del Español Al Ingles?? Doy 5 Estrellas?

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Question by Xman: ¿Me puedes ayudar a traducir este texto del español al ingles?? doy 5 estrellas?
La medicina interna es una de las especialidades más complicada y difícil de la medicina, en nuestra provincia tenemos a uno de los mejores médicos de esa especialidad. Su nombre es José Reynaldo Roca Goderich, nació el 7 de diciembre de 1930, en el barrio los guaos de Santiago de Cuba. Su mama se llamaba Maria Gloria Goderich, y su padre José Roca, él es hermano de Ana María. Se casó a los 27 años con una profesora, su nombre es Edita Santana. Tuvieron un hijo, su nombre es Alejandro. Actualmente Goderich tiene 80 años y vive en calle K número 158 entre 8 y Avenida de las América.
Reynaldo roca Goderich inició sus primeros estudios en la primaria “Deciderio Fajardo” y se hizo bachiller en “la Salle”, una escuela católica.
Es considerado uno de los pocos muchachos de clase humilde que pudo estudiar en la Universidad de la Habana antes de 1959, alojado en casa de huéspedes. Después de graduado estuvo ocho meses sin empleo viviendo de las guardias que les cubría a los médicos que le daban un dinero por hacerlas. Cuando regresa a Santiago en 1957, encuentra su primer trabajo en la antigua colonia española donde le pagaban bien. Al triunfo de la revolución el Doctor Roca se convirtió en fundador de las nuevas edificaciones del Hospital Provincial Saturnino Lora, lugar donde actualmente ejerce su profesión. En su trayectoria como profesional de la salud se ha destacado mucho haciendo aportes a la medicina como por ejemplo es el autor del libro “Temas de Medicina Interna” que ya está en su cuarta edición, ha hecho artículos sobre la insuficiencia renal, síndrome cerebeloso y publicaciones como la “formación médica” y escribió otro libro acerca de su vida como médico, además de que es Doctor en Ciencias, Doctor Honoris Causa, profesor de mérito, especialista de II grado en Medicina Interna del Hospital Provincial Saturnino Lora, profesor titular y consultante de medicina interna del instituto superior de ciencias médicas de Santiago de Cuba, y jefe del departamento docente de ciencias clínicas de la Facultad de Fedicina no.1. También cumplió misión internacionalista, donde ha ido a varios países como EE.UU, España, Japón, Francia a cumplir con su deber, y fue al Congreso Mundial de Medicina Interna. Por esta gran trayectoria de trabajo recibió la distinción por la educación cubana y 30 años de servicio.
La medicina tiene gran importancia para toda una sociedad ya que su objetivo fundamental es salvar la vida de todo ser humano, vigilar que las personas tengan una buen estado de salud y bienestar.

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Answer by MaRi
Solo ve a google.com y despues le pones free translation y ay lo puedes cambiar en ingles

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¿Me puedes ayudar a traducir este texto del español al ingles?? doy 5 estrellas?

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3 Comentarios

  1. Internal medicine is one of the most complicated and challenging specialties in medicine, in our province we have one of the best doctors in that specialty. His name is José Reynaldo Roca Goderich, was born on December 7, 1930, in the district of Santiago de Cuba Guaos. His mother was named Maria Gloria Goderich, and his father José Roca, he is the brother of Anne. She married at age 27 with a teacher, her name is Edit Santana. They had a son, his name is Alexander. Goderich is now 80 and lives on K Street between 8 and No. 158 Avenue of the Americas.
    Reynaldo Goderich rock began his studies in the primary «Deciderio Fajardo» and became a bachelor of La Salle, a Catholic school.
    It is considered one of the few boys of humble he could study at the University of Havana before 1959, stay at guesthouse. After graduate spent eight months living in jobless guards covering their doctors gave him some money for them. When he returned to Santiago in 1957, found his first job in the former Spanish colony where he was paid well. The triumph of the revolution, the Doctor Rock became the founder of the new buildings of the Saturnino Lora Provincial Hospital, where he now practices his profession. In his career as a health professional has highlighted much making contributions to medicine such as the author of the book «Issues of Internal Medicine» which is already in its fourth edition, has articles about kidney disease, cerebellar syndrome and publications as the «medical education» and wrote another book about his life as a doctor, plus it is Doctor of Science, Doctor Honoris Causa, Professor of merit, Grade II listed specialist in internal medicine at the Provincial Hospital Saturnino Lora, professor and Consultant Internal Medicine Institute of Medical Sciences of Santiago de Cuba, and head of clinical sciences faculty of the School of Fedicina no.1. He also played international mission, which has been to many countries like USA, Spain, Japan, France to fulfill his duty, and went to the World Congress of Internal Medicine. Because of this great history of working received the award for Cuban education and 30 years of service.
    The medicine is of great importance for an entire society because their main objective is to save the life of every human being, seeing that the people have a good health and wellbeing.

  2. Internal medicine is one of the most complicated and challenging specialties in medicine, in our province we have one of the best doctors in that specialty. His name is José Reynaldo Roca Goderich, was born on December 7, 1930, in the district of Santiago de Cuba Guaos. His mother was named Maria Gloria Goderich, and his father José Roca, he is the brother of Anne. She married at age 27 with a teacher, her name is Edit Santana. They had a son, his name is Alexander. Goderich is now 80 and lives on K Street between 8 and No. 158 Avenue of the Americas.
    Reynaldo Goderich rock began his studies in the primary «Deciderio Fajardo» and became a bachelor of La Salle, a Catholic school.
    It is considered one of the few boys of humble he could study at the University of Havana before 1959, stay at guesthouse. After graduate spent eight months living in jobless guards covering their doctors gave him some money for them. When he returned to Santiago in 1957, found his first job in the former Spanish colony where he was paid well. The triumph of the revolution, the Doctor Rock became the founder of the new buildings of the Saturnino Lora Provincial Hospital, where he now practices his profession. In his career as a health professional has highlighted much making contributions to medicine such as the author of the book «Issues of Internal Medicine» which is already in its fourth edition, has articles about kidney disease, cerebellar syndrome and publications as the «medical education» and wrote another book about his life as a doctor, plus it is Doctor of Science, Doctor Honoris Causa, Professor of merit, Grade II listed specialist in internal medicine at the Provincial Hospital Saturnino Lora, professor and Consultant Internal Medicine Institute of Medical Sciences of Santiago de Cuba, and head of clinical sciences faculty of the School of Fedicina no.1. He also played international mission, which has been to many countries like USA, Spain, Japan, France to fulfill his duty, and went to the World Congress of Internal Medicine. Because of this great history of working received the award for Cuban education and 30 years of service.
    The medicine is of great importance for an entire society because their main objective is to save the life of every human being, seeing that the people have a good health and wellbeing….

  3. The internal medicine is one of the specialities more complicated and difficult of the medicine, in our province we have one of the best doctors of this speciality. His name is Jose Reynaldo Roca Goderich, it was born on December 7, 1930, in the neighborhood the guaos of Santiago de Cuba. His breast she was called Maria Gloria Goderich, and his father Jose Roca, he is a brother of Ana Maria. He married 27 years a teacher, his name is Edita Santana. They had a son, his name is Alejandro. Nowadays Goderich is 80 years old and there lives in street K number 158 between 8 and Avenue of the América.
    Reynaldo rock Goderich initiated his first studies in the primary «Deciderio Fajardo» and became a graduate in » Go out for Her «, a catholic school.
    It is considered to be one of few boys of humble class that could study in the University of the Havana before 1959 lodged at rooming house. After graduate it was eight months without employment living of the guards that it was covering to the doctors who were giving him a money for doing them. When it returns to Santiago in 1957, he finds his first work in the former Spanish colony where they were paying him well. To the victory of the revolution the Doctor Rock turned into founder of the new buildings of the Provincial Saturnine Hospital Female parrot, place where nowadays he exercises his profession.In his path like professional of the health it has been outlined very much doing contributions to the medicine since for example he is the author of the book » Topics of Medicine Hospitalizes » that already is in his fourth edition, has done articles about the renal insufficiency, syndrome cerebeloso and publications as the » medical formation » and he wrote another book it brings over of his life as doctor, besides whom he is A Doctor in Sciences, Honorary doctorate recipient, teacher of merit, specialist of the IInd degree in Internal Medicine of the Provincial Saturnine Hospital Female parrot, teacher titular and consultant of medicine hospitalizes of the top institute of medical sciences of Santiago de Cuba, and chief of the educational department of clinical sciences of Fedicina’s Faculty not 1. Also internationalist fulfilled mission, where it has been going to several countries like USA, Spain, Japan, France to expire with his duty, and went to the World Congress of Internal Medicine. For this great path of work it got the distinction for the Cuban education and 30 years of service.
    The medicine has great importance for the whole company since his fundamental aim is to save the life of every human being, to monitor that the persons have one good bill of health and well-being.

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