Inicio / Educación It / ¿Have you ever travelled from Sevilla to Barcelona by train by night?

¿Have you ever travelled from Sevilla to Barcelona by train by night?

Question by Hi!: ¿Have you ever travelled from Sevilla to Barcelona by train by night?
This year I’m going to spend a week in Spain, so I’m now planning my holiday. On the RER website it’s possibile to book a ticket from Sevilla to Barcelona (you must travel by night since the journey lasts about ten hours). The price is no problem, but I’d like to have info about this type of journey in your country : are these trains clean? Is it dangerous to travel by night?
I’m Italian and Italian trains are very dirty and (by night) quite unsafe. Before booking, I’d like to know what to expect!
Sorry if I can’t speak Spanish…
I said that I’m sorry if I can’t speak Spanish. I can speak Italian, English, French, Catalan but Spanish not yet. Gracias

Best answer:

Answer by 6ºizq
Esto es Yahoo España, y aqui se habla en español, por eso tu pregunta en ingles está fuera de lugar. Utiliza el traductor, como lo hacemos los demas y si no sabes español te esfuerzas un poquito, aunque solo digas por favor, gracias…pero todo en ingles. es una falta de educacion.

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