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¿Cómo se traduce esto al Inglés por favor ayudenme?

¿Cómo se traduce esto al Inglés por favor ayudenme?

Tópico ¿Cómo Se Traduce Esto Al Inglés Por Favor Ayudenme?

Participe en ¿Cómo se traduce esto al Inglés por favor ayudenme? relacionada con educación it.

Question by xime666: ¿Cómo se traduce esto al Inglés por favor ayudenme?
– Introduccion a la Investigacion cientifica
– Ciencias historico sociales
– Psicologia general.
-Lengua Española
-Sistemas Filosoficos
– Actividad danzas folkloricas
-Problematica Colombiana y Latinoamericana
– Estadistica Educacional
-Psicologia Educativa
-Historia de la Educacion
-pedagogia General
-Morfosintaxis del español
-video educativo
-linguistica general
-investigacion educacional
-didactica general
-filosofia educacionañ
-literatura e historia de la lengua inglesa
– primeros auxilios
-investigacion aplicada a la especialidad
-Didactica aplicada a la especialidad
-orientacion y bienestar del educando
-lectura y composicion en inglés
-conversacion en Frances
-traduccion del Inglés al Frances
-redaccion y composicion en Frances
-Gramatica inglesa avanzada
-instituciones de Inglaterra y estados Unidos
-seminario de tesis
-administracion educacional
– practica profesional

Best answer:

Answer by VICAS
te recomiendo usar esta liga, te va a servir hasta para otras cosas que necesites


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¿Cómo se traduce esto al Inglés por favor ayudenme?

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10 Comentarios

  1. puedes traducirlo en google herramientas de idioma
    y ya!!

  2. Yahoo tiene un diccionario de inglés. Es muy buen traductor. Probalo.
    Espero te sirva.

  3. – Introduction to the scientific Investigation
    – Sciences historical social
    – general Psychology.
    – logic
    – Spanish language
    – Philosophical systems
    – Activity folklore dances
    – Colombian and Latin-American problematics
    – Educational Statistics
    – Educational psychology
    – history of the Education
    -General pedagogy
    -Morfosintaxis of the Spanish
    – educational video
    – computation
    – general linguistics
    – educational investigation
    – didactic general
    – philosophy educacionañ
    – literature and history of the English language
    – the first aids
    – investigation applied to the speciality
    – didactics applied to the speciality
    – orientation and well-being of the pupil
    – reading and composition in English
    – conversation in Frenchman
    – translation of the Englishman(English) to the Frenchman – draft and composition in Frenchman
    – grammatical advanced Englishwoman
    – institutions of England and Close(United) conditions(states)
    – seminar of thesis
    – educational administration
    – professional practice
    – ethical

  4. Too damm long to traslate!

  5. Carlos_Daniel_H

    -Introduction to Scientific Investigation
    -Historical-Social Sciences
    -General Psychology
    -Spanish Language
    -Phylosophical Systems
    -Activity: Folklorical Dancing
    -Activity: Speeching
    -Colombian and Latin American Problematic
    -Educational Statistic
    -Educational Psychology
    -Educational History
    -General Pegagogy
    -Spanish Morphosyntax
    -Educational Video
    -Computer Science
    -General Linguistic
    -Educational Research
    -General didactic
    -Educational Phylosophy
    -English Language Literature and History
    -First Aids
    -Speciality Applied Research
    -Speciality Applied Didactical
    -Educatee Orientation and Welfare
    -English Reading and Writing
    -French Conversation
    -English-French Translation
    -French Reading and Writing
    -Advanced English Grammar
    -USA and England Institutions
    -Thesis Tutorial
    -Educational Administration
    -Profesional Practice

    Hope it helped 😉

  6. Usa babel fish y listo

  7. Damn it! it´s too long….maybe next time

  8. – Introduction to the Scientific research
    – social Sciences historical
    – General Psychology.
    – Logical
    – Spanish Language
    -Philosophical Systems
    – Activity folkloric dances
    – activity: oratoria
    – Problematic Latin American Colombian and
    – Statistical Educational
    – Educative Psychology
    – History of the Education
    – pedagogia General
    – Morfosintaxis of the Spanish
    – educative video
    – computation
    – linguistica general
    – educational investigation
    – didactic general
    – philosophy educacionañ
    – Literature and history of the English language
    – first aid
    – investigation applied to the specialty
    – Didactic applied to the specialty
    – direction and well-being of educating
    – reading and composition in English
    – frances conversation
    – translation of the English to Frances
    – frances writing and composition
    – Grammatical English outpost
    – institutions of England and the United States
    – thesis seminary
    – educational administration
    – it practices professional
    – Ethical
    Espero q te sirva

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