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¿ayuda, necesito traducir un texto a ingles ?

¿ayuda, necesito traducir un texto a ingles ?

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EDUCACIóN IT, Referencia a ¿ayuda, necesito traducir un texto a ingles ? categorizada en la sección de educación it para documentación de nuestros nuevos y antiguos lectores.

Question by Marcelo: ¿ayuda, necesito traducir un texto a ingles ?
gracias de antemano,el problema es el siguiente tengo una presentación en ingles y soy malisimo para el ingles tengo un amigo que me ayudara con la pronunciación pero le tengo que traer el texto ya en ingles para que me ayude y solo lo tengo en español… por favor si me lo pudieran traducir (sin copiar y pegar en un traductor) les agradecería mucho y les dejaría 10 ptos


Buenos dias señorita, buenos días compañeros mi nombre es [nombre] y comenzare mi School life hablando sobre mi familia por que son la parte mas importante de mi vida.

En la foto se ve mi padre [nombre] con mi madre [nombre] ellos llevan casi 20 años casados feliz mente y espero que estén muchos años mas juntos.
Yo tengo 3 hermanos, mi hermano mayor [nombre] que tiene 34 años de edad esta casado con [nombre] y tienen una hija y su nombre es [nombre] ellos no viven en mi casa pero siempre vienen de visita
Mi hermana se llama [nombre] tiene 24 años y estudia construcción civil, tiene un hijo y su nombre es [nombre] y son los que parecen en la foto
En la foto de la derecha se ve mi padre con mis sobrinos
También tengo a mi hermano menor por solo un año su nombre es [nombre] Realice el kínder en [nombre] en donde participe en varias obras de teatro pero no tengo muchas fotos en la diapositiva del ppt se muestra una foto donde salgo realizando una presentación para el día de las madres. La tía del jardín era [nombre] Mis amigos de infancia: en la foto salgo yo y varios de ellos como [nombre], [nombre], [nombre], [nombre] Realice mis estudios en la escuela [nombre] no tengo casi fotos ya que mi mama perdió el álbum donde estaban, pero tuve varios profesores que me enseñaron muchas cosas y eran muy buenos como mi profesor de matemáticas [nombre] lo nombro especialmente a el por que cuando era chico no me gustaban las matemáticas y el siempre me ayuda hasta que aprendiera
mi profesora jefe en octavo año se llamaba [nombre] y me hacia clase de historia. Un compañero de infancia que ahora también esta en el [nombre del colegio] es [nombre] educación media:
en primero medio cuando llegue hice varios amigo primero me juntaba con el [nombre], [nombre] [nombre]y el [nombre]y luego conocí al resto del curso y nuestra profesora jefe es [nombre]mas conocida como [nombre] en segundo medio el curso ya estaban muy unido y eso siempre se demostraba por el compañerismo en diferentes actividades que teníamos,
Nos juntábamos para hacer diferentes actividades como hacer pizza en la casa del [nombre] como olvidar el asado con nuestro profesor [nombre].
También cuando nos organizamos para ver el partido de chile vs suiza en el mundial, y cuando le ganamos 1 a 0 todos estaban felices y celebrando dentro del colegio.
También cuando fuimos a jugar entre amigos al paint ball y en mi equipo estaba el [nombre]y el [nombre] y en el otro equipo estaban en [nombre], [nombre] y [nombre] La gira fue un proceso largo donde todos estaban esperando el día para irnos al sur , fue bonito cuando todos nos encontramos en el aeropuerto de [nombre] para iniciar la gira y recorrimos varios lugares y cuando finalizo la gira el curso estaba mas unido que nunca
En tercero medio todos llegaron hablando de la gira y ese año estuvo marcado por las movilizaciones estudiantiles donde los estudiantes de nuestro colegio también quisieron participar
Cuarto medio, en este año nuestro curso se propuso ganar el aniversario, pero aunque no lo conseguimos todos quedamos felices por nuestra participación, otras actividades donde todos hemos participado han sido la jornada y padrinos y ahijados donde lamentablemente ese día no fue a a clases mi ahijado y el día del varón donde las niñas se organizaron muy bien..
Mi futuro no lo tengo muy claro aun pero tendrá relación con la ingeniera, pero en que área todavía no lo decido
Gracias por su atención..

eso seria muchas gracias de antemano….

Best answer:

Answer by Tatin… :$
Good morning ma’am, good morning fellow my name is [name] my school life and begins talking about my family because they are the most important part of my life. The photo shows my father [name] with my mother [name] they are happily married almost 20 years I hope you’re mind and many more years together. I have 3 brothers, my older brother [name] who is 34 years old is married to [name] and have a daughter and her name is [name] do not live in my house but I always come to visit My sister’s name is [name] is 24 and studied civil engineering, has a son and his name is [name] and are the ones that appear in the picture In the photo at right is my father with my nephews I have also my younger brother for one year his name is [name] Make kindergarten in [name] where involved in several plays but I have many pictures in ppt slide shows a picture where I go making a presentation for Mother’s Day. The aunt’s garden was [NAME]My childhood friends: I go out on the picture and several of them as [name] [name] [name] [name] Make my studies at school [name] I have almost no pictures because my mom lost the album where they were, but I had several teachers who taught me many things and were very good as my math teacher [name] appointed him especially to him by that as a kid I liked math and always helps me to learn that head teacher in my eighth year called [name] and me to history class. A childhood friend who now is in the [school name] is [name] education: in the first half when I made several friends come first I hung out with [name] [name] [name] and [name] and then met the rest of the course and our head teacher is [name] better known as [name] During second half and were very close and it always showed for the fellowship in different activities we had,We got together to do different activities such as making pizza at home [name] as forgetting the roast with our teacher [name]. Also when we manage to watch the match Switzerland vs chile in the world, and when we won 1 to 0 all were happy and celebrated within the school. Also when we went to play with friends to paint ball and my team was the [name] and [name] and the other team was in [name] [name] and [name] The tour was a long process where everyone was waiting for the day to go south, it was nice when we all met at the airport of [name] to start the tour and we visited several places and ended the tour when the course was more united than ever In our third year all got talking about the tour and this year was marked by student demonstrations where students from our school also want to participate Fourth means, this year our course set out to win the anniversary, but even if we got it we were all happy for our participation, other activities which all have participated have been working day and godparents and godchildren where unfortunately that day was not my godson aa classes and the day of man where the girls were organized very well .. I have my future is not clear yet but will be related to the engineer, but in that area have not decided

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¿ayuda, necesito traducir un texto a ingles ?

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2 Comentarios

  1. Good morning ma’am, good morning fellow my name is [name] my school life and begins talking about my family because they are the most important part of my life.The photo shows my father [name] with my mother [name] they are happily married almost 20 years I hope you’re mind and many more years together.I have 3 brothers, my older brother [name] who is 34 years old is married to [name] and have a daughter and her name is [name] do not live in my house but I always come to visitMy sister’s name is [name] is 24 and studied civil engineering, has a son and his name is [name] and are the ones that appear in the pictureIn the photo at right is my father with my nephewsI have also my younger brother for one year his name is [name]Make kindergarten in [name] where involved in several plays but I have many pictures in ppt slide shows a picture where I go making a presentation for Mother’s Day. The aunt’s garden was [NAME]My childhood friends: I go out on the picture and several of them as [name] [name] [name] [name]Make my studies at school [name] I have almost no pictures because my mom lost the album where they were, but I had several teachers who taught me many things and were very good as my math teacher [name] appointed him especially to him by that as a kid I liked math and always helps me to learn thathead teacher in my eighth year called [name] and me to history class. A childhood friend who now is in the [school name] is [name]education:in the first half when I made several friends come first I hung out with [name] [name] [name] and [name] and then met the rest of the course and our head teacher is [name] better known as [name]During second half and were very close and it always showed for the fellowship in different activities we had,We got together to do different activities such as making pizza at home [name] as forgetting the roast with our teacher [name].Also when we manage to watch the match Switzerland vs chile in the world, and when we won 1 to 0 all were happy and celebrated within the school.Also when we went to play with friends to paint ball and my team was the [name] and [name] and the other team was in [name] [name] and [name]The tour was a long process where everyone was waiting for the day to go south, it was nice when we all met at the airport of [name] to start the tour and we visited several places and ended the tour when the course was more united than everIn our third year all got talking about the tour and this year was marked by student demonstrations where students from our school also want to participateFourth means, this year our course set out to win the anniversary, but even if we got it we were all happy for our participation, other activities which all have participated have been working day and godparents and godchildren where unfortunately that day was not my godson aa classes and the day of man where the girls were organized very well ..I have my future is not clear yet but will be related to the engineer, but in that area have not decidedThanks for listening ..

  2. good morning miss . good morning peers . my name is __________ and start my school life talking about my family because are the most important part of my life .

    in the picture is my father _____ with my mother __________ they carry 20 years happily married and i hope what together more years.

    i have three brothers .

    my big brother is ___________ she is threety four years old . he is married with _________ they have a daughter and her name is ____________ they dont live in my house but always come to visit

    hay esta desde el prisipio hasta que tu hermano iene de visita es que me aburri xD

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