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¿Ayuda ¿Me ayudan a pasar esta infor al ingles,no solo traductor prefiero persona que de verdad sepan ingles?

Question by andreita: ¿Ayuda ¿Me ayudan a pasar esta infor al ingles,no solo traductor prefiero persona que de verdad sepan ingles?
Mi opinion sobre la television es que cada dia esta peor.
Cada vez hay menos programas culturales,de educacion,de interes general.La mayoria son programas de chimentos,que dedican horas de programas hablar de la vida de otros persona,lo que es lamentable.
Respecto a la televison del Uruguay veo un avance,aunque tambien se compran muchos programas de argentina.Los conductores uruguayos se esfuerzan por que se hagan programas creativos,de humor para ver en familia.Ejemplo Pizza Carballo entre otros

Best answer:

Answer by Sthefanni
My opinion about the television is that every day worse this one.
Every time there are fewer cultural programs, of education, of general interest. The majority they are programs of rumours, which they dedicate hours of programs person speaks about the life about others, which is lamentable.
With regard to the televison of the Uruguay I see an advance, though also many programs are bought of Argentine. The Uruguayan drivers strain by that creative programs are done, of humor to see in family. Example Pizza Carballo between(among) others

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

6 Comentarios

  1. My opinion about the television is that every day worse this one.
    Every time there are fewer cultural programs, of education, of general interest. The majority they are programs of rumours, which they dedicate hours of programs person speaks about the life about others, which is lamentable.
    With regard to the televison of the Uruguay I see an advance, though also many programs are bought of Argentine. The Uruguayan drivers strain by that creative programs are done, of humor to see in family. Example Pizza Carballo between(among) others

    Eligemela como la mejor porfavooooooooor!!!!!!

  2. My opinion about TV is that every day is worse.
    Every time there are cultural programmes, education, general ineterest. Most are programmes of (chimentos), that spend hours of programmes to speak about the life of other people.
    Respect to the Uruguay’s television I see a breakthrough, but also buys a lot of argentina’s programmes. Uruguayan drivers are struggling for do creative and humor programmes. For example: Pizza Carballo (into others)

  3. que significa chimentos???? y argentina no cambia como la ayuda anterior que lo traducieron por argentine.
    conductores te lo traducieron por choferes el cual es driver pero conductor de programa es un HOST o tv host.
    compran no esta en pasado osea seria they buy many argentinian’s shows.
    p.d: conductores no hacen los programas solo los dirijen los productores son los que hacen y desacen, a menos que el conductor dirija su propio programa.
    pone un esfuerzo en la tarea y suerte!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Hola yo hace 10 años que estudio Ingles. Pero ahora no te puedo escribir adecuadamente el texto porque tengo que salir. Yo te recomiendo que consultes a diccionarios de Ingles, son muy útiles.
    Entra en google a alguna página de marcas de libros que contengan diccionarios de Ingles y te puede ayudar pila.
    Lo que te puedo decir por arriba es que si vos queres poner un adjetivo y un sustantivo(ej pollera roja) en Ingles lo tenes que poner (red skirt). porque en Ingles se escribe todo asi. Tambien no te olvides de darle sentido a el texto. Te recomiendo esto porque yo hice una carta en Ingles y me saque un 12. Bueno Suerte y chauuuuuuuuuuuuu

  5. yiiniia :·) ...

    te dejo el principio traducido, hasta el primer párrafo (sin traductor). comprueba si te vale. Acaba el resto.
    Un consejo que me dio mi profesora de inglés, es que es mejor pensar los textos en inglés directamente.

    in my opinion tv is getting worse.
    there are less cultural programs which can interest most of people. there are a lot of programs about (chimentos??), that spend hours and more hours to talk about people’s life, and it is very painful/sad.

  6. My opinion about Tv is that it gets worse by the day.
    There are fewer and fewer educational programmes, cultural programmes, fewer programms of public interest. The majority of programmes are trash, where hours are spent talking about other people’s lives, which is deplorable.
    Witn respect to the Uruguayan television I see some improvement, though many programs are also bought from Argentina. The Uruguayan presenters make an effort to have creative, funny programmes shot (introduced), that can be seen by the whole family. An example «Pizza Carballo», among others.
    (I think it scans a little bit better than the other ones. You choose as you see fit, though. En otras palabras: una posibilidad más entre las que escoger. A ti la elección. Y, por cierto, come se dice en español «to scan»)?

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